Excavations Walkthrough

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Excavations Location Walkthrough

Object Type Enemies Composition Reward Required? Comments
Enemy 1 Acid Bomber3, Guard Spider1, Slider2, Soldier Spider9, Spider4 60Experience, RandomBiofuel Yes Acid Bomber = 3 300Unarmored
Enemy 2 Acid Bomber3, Guard Spider1, Slider2, Soldier Spider9, Spider4 60Experience, RandomBiofuel Yes Soldier Spider = 6 300Unarmored
Enemy 3 Guard Spider6, Slider2, Soldier Spider9, Spider3 60Experience, RandomBiofuel Yes Guard Spider= 6 300Unarmored
Enemy 4 Guard Spider6, Slider2, Soldier Spider9, Spider3 60Experience, RandomBiofuel Yes Slider = 8 100Unarmored
Enemy 5 Slider3, Acid Bomber3, Giant Spider2, Soldier Spider7, Spider2, Guard Spider2 60Experience, RandomBiofuel Yes Giant Spider = 14 969Unarmored
Enemy 6 Soldier Spider7, Guard Spider4, Cultist of Xi8, Acid Bomber4 60Experience, RandomBiofuel Yes Cultist of Xi = 8 910Unarmored
Enemy 7 Acid Bomber5, Bombers’ Queen summons: Acid BomberBomber(infinite) 60Experience, RandomBiofuel Yes Bombers’ Queen = 64 954Unarmored
Enemy 8 Slider3, Acid Bomber3, Giant Spider2, Soldier Spider7, Spider2, Guard Spider2 60Experience, RandomBiofuel Yes Chosen One = 24 057Resurrection AbilityUnarmored
Enemy 9 Acid Bomber3, Chosen One2, Cultist of Xi7, Guard Spider3 60Experience, RandomBiofuel Yes Pale Slider = 17 998Unarmored
Enemy 10 Acid Bomber4, Guard Spider5, Pale Slider4, Soldier Spider6, Giant Spider2 60Experience, RandomBiofuel Yes Berserker Spider = 14 969Unarmored
Enemy 11 Soldier Spider7, Guard Spider4, Cultist of Xi8, Acid Bomber4 60Experience, RandomBiofuel Yes Bloody Slider = 36 326Unarmored
Enemy 12 Soldier Spider7, Guard Spider4, Berserker Spider1, Культист Кси8, Bloody Slider1, Acid Bomber4 60Experience, RandomBiofuel Yes Spider = 3 300Unarmored
Enemy 13 Guard Spider6, Slider2, Soldier Spider9, Spider3 60Experience, RandomBiofuel Yes Bomber = 2920Unarmored
Enemy 14 Guard Spider6, Slider2, Soldier Spider9, Spider3 60Experience, RandomBiofuel Yes Spiders’ Queen = 19 513Unarmored
Enemy 15 Soldier Spider7, Guard Spider4, Berserker Spider1, Культист Кси8, Bloody Slider1, Acid Bomber4 60Experience, RandomBiofuel Yes
Enemy 16 Chosen One2, Bloody Slider1, Acid Bomber2, Cultist of Xi7, Guard Spider3 60Experience, RandomBiofuel Yes
Enemy 17 Berserker Spider3, Pale Slider2, Guard Spider5, Soldier Spider9, Acid Bomber3 60Experience, RandomBiofuel Yes
Enemy 18 Acid Bomber3, Chosen One2, Cultist of Xi7, Guard Spider3 60Experience, RandomBiofuel Yes
Enemy 19 Soldier Spider7, Guard Spider4, Berserker Spider1, Культист Кси8, Bloody Slider1, Acid Bomber4 60Experience, RandomBiofuel Yes
Enemy 20 Giant Spider2, Berserker Spider2, Spiders’ Queen1, Soldier Spider8, Acid Bomber3, Guard Spider5 60Experience, RandomBiofuel Yes Appears after the death of Spiders’ queen: Spiders’ little Queen(3120Unarmored, 3)
Enemy 21 Acid Bomber5, Bombers’ Queen summons: Acid BomberBomber(infinite) 60Experience, RandomBiofuel Yes
Enemy 22 Berserker Spider3, Pale Slider2, Guard Spider5, Soldier Spider9, Acid Bomber3 60Experience, RandomBiofuel Yes
Enemy 23 Chosen One2, Bloody Slider1, Acid Bomber2, Cultist of Xi7, Guard Spider3 60Experience, RandomBiofuel Yes
Enemy 24 Soldier Spider7, Guard Spider4, Berserker Spider1, Культист Кси8, Bloody Slider1, Acid Bomber4 60Experience, RandomBiofuel Yes Scaled Slider = 8 100Armored
Boss Hand of Xi
(Brother Thorius)
Chosen One5, Hand Of Xi summons: Ороговелый Slider(infinite) 60Experience, Acid CannonNew Research, RandomBiofuel Yes Десница Кси = 110 000Resurrection AbilityUnarmored


Object Type Reward Required? Comments
Hack 1 10Experience, 1Gems, G-3 Frag Grenade: 1, Random Resources No
Hack 2 10Experience, 1Gems, G-3 Frag Grenade: 1, U-3 Medpack: 1, Random Resources No
Hack 3 10Experience, 1Gems, G-3 Frag Grenade: 1, Random Resources No
Study 1 10Experience, 15Data Disks, Commander’s Log: Chapter 49 No
Other Places
Starting Point Located at the left top corner of the location
Total Location Experience: 1 540Experience


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7 Responses to Excavations Walkthrough

  1. icg ( Private Private Player's Rank 2 )

    Does anyone knows if there is any benefit, besides the obvious one (the anomalies), for terraforming this sector? it is a secondary objective, but i dont know if it’s worth spending 20k biofuel on it….

    • s_e_s_h ( Lieutenant General Lieutenant General Player's Rank 527 )

      There is no other (besides that, you’ll see how the Xi looks like 😉 )!

      Reasonable to terraform ASAP only locations with resources’ deposits… To build mines then…

  2. psb ( Sublieutenant Sublieutenant Player's Rank 104 )

    take atleast 350 mg bullets… because almost 1/3rd of ur mg bullets will be finished while doing the chosens… and its very problematic to kill xi’s hand with psi strike if u dont have the visor…

  3. Sugarman ( Sergeant Sergeant Player's Rank 31 )

    By the time I get rid of the chosen ones my ammo count is showing 300-350 and that is saving ammo as much as possible. I start MGing the Xi and doing ok, but then I have to pause to kill the worms and after I am finished with them Xi has regenerated so much that I run out of ammo after which the fight is lost. I have the visor so I know more or less when to use psi if I only could get to that point. Any tips on the working order?

    • CW White ( Private Private Player's Rank 2 )

      I have same problem. I have used 400 mg rounds; killed civilians several times and after I run out of my rounds he gets stronger
      And there seems to be no way to finish him off. Using
      Up money crystals is a waste plus you don’t get them
      Back after you are defeated. Wonder if game is rigged so
      You have to buy a higher powered pistol to win this battle at the
      Excavations site?

  4. SunSidTDM ( Lieutenant-Commander Lieutenant-Commander Player's Rank 166 )

    I terraformed this sector for 20k biofuel and I still see “Secondary quest: kill hand of xi and terraformate excavations”, why?

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