
The Turrets, are few of the many Buildings in Evolution: Battle for Utopia game.


Turrets are the only defensive structures at your Home base.

Turrets, Available in the Game

Turrets Summary Table

Name Unlocked by Research Cost (Time) Cost Reduction Requirement Reduced Research Cost (Time) Base Defense Construction Cost (Time) Hitpoints in PvP*
Vulture Available from beginning – n/a – – n/a – – n/a – 50 4 for free, 5th and 6th per 299Gems (00:15:00)  600Armored
Cerberus Discover Technology at “Tactics and Strategy” for 400Skill Points 200Crystallite, 15Data Disks, 300Magmatite (00:25:00) Turrets destroyed (2) 160Crystallite, 12Data Disks, 240Magmatite (00:20:00) 150 (+100) 800Biofuel, 400Magmatite, 400Steel (01:00:00) 2 370Armored
Hephaestus Discover Technology at “Tactics and Strategy” for 700Skill Points 400Crystallite, 20Data Disks, 500Magmatite (01:00:00) Turrets destroyed (4) 320Crystallite, 16Data Disks, 400Magmatite (00:48:00) 250  (+100) 1500Biofuel, 800Magmatite, 800Steel (02:00:00) 4 500Armored
Hydra Discover Technology at “Tactics and Strategy” for 1 000Skill Points 700Crystallite, 30Data Disks, 800Magmatite (02:00:00) Turrets destroyed (5) 560Crystallite, 24Data Disks, 640Magmatite (01:36:00) 350 (+100) 2500Biofuel, 1200Magmatite, 1200Steel (03:00:00) 8 910Armored
Black Hydra Discover Technology at “Tactics and Strategy” for 1 500Skill Points 1200Crystallite, 35Data Disks, 1200Magmatite (02:00:00) Turrets destroyed (5) 960Crystallite, 28Data Disks, 960Magmatite (01:36:00) 400 (+50) 3500Biofuel, 1600Magmatite, 1600Steel (05:00:00), 30Player's Level 21 028Armored
Maximus Discover Technology at “Tactics and Strategy” for 2 000Skill Points 2000Crystallite, 40Data Disks, 2000Magmatite (04:00:00) Tanks destroyed (6) 1600Crystallite, 32Data Disks, 1600Magmatite (03:12:00) 450 (+50) 5000Biofuel, 2200Magmatite, 2200Steel (24:00:00), 40Player's Level 44 505Armored + Mini BoombirdsArmored
Dominion Incubator, 1st Hack clockwise (above Start point), behind the boss – Dominion Turret 2000Crystallite, 40Data Disks, 2000Steel (04:00:00) Synthetics destroyed (50) 1600Crystallite, 32Data Disks, 1600Steel (03:12:00) 550 (+100) 8000Biofuel, 1000Crystallite, 2500Steel (24:00:00), 40Player's Level 64 954Armored + TechniciansArmored

* PvP – player versus player game mode
** PvE – player versus any other enemy game mode


Every turret increases chance by 5% of intrusion detection to your base by other player (30% is max for six turrets).

Try to build your fifth and sixth Vulture turrets as fast as possible to increase base defense and chance rate of  intrusion detection. You will need 598Gems on both.

Upgrade all your turrets to max available model.

Remember, all the turrets are armored in PvP* and PvE** game modes. You will need an Energy or (better) Acid weapons to deal with them.

There is no any player-level restrictions to unlock and research all available turrets in the game, but till player’s level is below 30Player's Level, you will  be able to build Hydra Turret as maximum.

And always remember! if you see that the turrets are no match against a spider attack, then take on the spiders by-hand! :)

After the death of Maximus Turret of its debris 3 armored Black Legion’s Mini Boombirds are appear with 1104Armored health points each.

Dominion Turret can summon armored Technician Dominators (two per time with 3120Armored health points each) to repair it self during the battle.

Turrets Places at the Base

Turrets Places at the Base

In Turrets Background Image

In Turrets Background Image


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32 Responses to Turrets

  1. SunSidTDM ( Lieutenant-Commander Lieutenant-Commander Player's Rank 166 )

    The turrets are so powerful!

    • HelloShitty ( Lieutenant Colonel Lieutenant Colonel Player's Rank 294 )

      Wait until you have to face them in fights! Terror 5 missions are nasty!

      • SunSidTDM ( Lieutenant-Commander Lieutenant-Commander Player's Rank 166 )

        No lvl 5 terror missions are easy at my level ^^
        There are less than 5 ennemies while lvl 3 terror can have 12 with bombers.

  2. adhox ( Corporal Corporal Player's Rank 11 )

    How important are the 5th and 6th Turrets in the later stages of the non PvP part of the Game. Aside from the PvP benefits is there any reason or need to buy these two turrets?

    • HelloShitty ( Lieutenant Colonel Lieutenant Colonel Player's Rank 294 )

      They are needed to make 100% probabilities that your base is defended with turrets prior to commander and partners!

      SunSidTDM, what is your level?

      • SunSidTDM ( Lieutenant-Commander Lieutenant-Commander Player's Rank 166 )

        Only 19, I level up very slowly to get easily biofuel, crystalline, magmatite and steel, at the moment I have 5500 biofuel and my storage is 1500 max, and I already have lvl 3 researches finished in the reconnaissance center, also I can defeat people who have 10 more lvl than me in pvp 😀

      • adhox ( Corporal Corporal Player's Rank 11 )

        I understand why they are required in the PvP mode. But if I dont care about the PvP part… do I need them against anything nasty at advanced level other than PvP??

    • omero ( Warrant Officer Warrant Officer Player's Rank 68 )

      If you miss an Overlord invasion alert, I guess that even Hydra turrets will be unable to handle that on full auto.
      An Overlord is just my “entry level” base threat I suppose… Having 3 hydra operational, I decided to ignore a “Base Under Attack” warning and let my Hydras deal with that full auto. It didn’t work: I ended up having to repair a couple of buildings… And I can only imagine what would happen if I ignored an Overlord invasion on my base…

  3. HelloShitty ( Lieutenant Colonel Lieutenant Colonel Player's Rank 294 )

    But do you have Level 5 terror missions at level 19? I don’t remember having Terror Level 5 missions at that level!

    • SunSidTDM ( Lieutenant-Commander Lieutenant-Commander Player's Rank 166 )

      I had Terror level 5 missions for at least 1 month so I think you also have Terror 5 below my level (19)

    • omero ( Warrant Officer Warrant Officer Player's Rank 68 )

      I’m getting Terror 5 threats and I’m as low as L14. Actually, after getting the Acidic pistol fully upgraded, I’ll rather accept any Terror5 mission vs. a Vulture turret & friends, before dealing with a Terror4 where surely either Demolisher/Shieldbearer opponents are present. I’d even prefer the Vulture T5 threat instead of those pesky T3 mix where Snipers are involved!

  4. psb ( Sublieutenant Sublieutenant Player's Rank 104 )

    yes, in later stages, weak turrets will do almost no damage to advanced enemies… so turrets are necessary to avoid damages to the base …

    one thing.. do i need to research all the previous turrets and build them in order to build dominion turret ?? or just defeating the turret, obtaining the tech and researching will be enough ?? can i build dominion turret directly from vulture turret ??

  5. SunSidTDM ( Lieutenant-Commander Lieutenant-Commander Player's Rank 166 )

    I’m level 24 and I have 4 hydra turrets, should I stop here or do I need to research the black hydra turret, it only gives +50 base defense… And even if it’s good for pvp no one attack me so it’s a bit useless…

    • omero ( Warrant Officer Warrant Officer Player's Rank 68 )

      I’m L14 right now and working on getting online the 6th turret @Base. I’ve got 3 Hydra operational and albeit I have Black Hydra research already available (with the discount coming from previously defeating 5 turrets), from the main info above I gather that you can only build Black Hydra turrets once you hit L30… That’s what makes me put the Black Hydra turret research on hold at the moment…

      Could someone confirm Black Hydra turrets only worth to research after L30?!
      Geee…. I was already set up to go for Maximus turrets….

    • omero ( Warrant Officer Warrant Officer Player's Rank 68 )

      I’m L14 right now and working on getting online the 6th turret @Base. I’ve got 3 Hydra operational and albeit I have Black Hydra research already available (with the discount coming from previously defeating 5 turrets), from the main info above I gather that you can only build Black Hydra turrets once you hit L30… That’s what makes me put the Black Hydra turret research on hold at the moment…

      Could someone confirm Black Hydra turrets only worth to research after L30?!
      Geee…. I was already set up to hold on all of my skill points to research Maximus turrets….

  6. psb ( Sublieutenant Sublieutenant Player's Rank 104 )

    i think at your level, its enough… its base defence is more than enough at your level, but be sure to make black hydra as soon as you can… black hydra turret is useful for its health more than its attack, as it as almost double health… if you fight a black hydra… its much tougher than hydra…

  7. SunSidTDM ( Lieutenant-Commander Lieutenant-Commander Player's Rank 166 )

    The best turret is used to protect your base in PvP! If you have for example 4 vulture turrets and 1 dominion turret, your ennemy will have to attack the dominion turret. I had something like that in PvP when I was the attacker so I lost.

    • HelloShitty ( Lieutenant Colonel Lieutenant Colonel Player's Rank 294 )

      Its not the best turret you have.

      Quote from Radar page

      Each turret increases the detection chance rate by 5%. totaling up to 30% if you have 6 turrets.
      The constructed Radar increases the detection chance rate by extra 20%.
      You have activated the Shield mode and doubled the chance rate to 100%.


      6 turrets and Radar ON –> 100% (((nº of turrets)*5%+20%)*2) probability of having a turret defending your base prior to the Commander and partners.

      6 turrets and Radar OFF –> 50% ((nº of turrets)*5%+20%) probability of having a turret defending your base prior to the Commander and partners.

      4 turrets of type A and 2 turrets of type B and Radar ON –> 80% (((Nº of turrets of type A)*5% + 20)*2) of probability of having a turret of type A defending your base prior to the Commander and partners.

      4 turrets of type A and 2 turrets of type B and Radar OFF –> 40% ((Nº of turrets of type A)*5% + 20%) of probability of having a turret of type A defending your base prior to the Commander and partners.

  8. hi there ( Private First Class Private First Class Player's Rank 7 )

    um the thing for the hydra says below 30 exp shouldn’t it say above 30 exp

  9. FallenTrex ( Private First Class Private First Class Player's Rank 10 )

    Not to sure im level 28 and just reaserched hepethesus turret ik im to far in story

  10. psb ( Sublieutenant Sublieutenant Player's Rank 104 )

    the symbol is for level 30, not 30 exp…it simply means unless you reach level 30, u wont be able to build any turret better dan hydra…

    • SunSidTDM ( Lieutenant-Commander Lieutenant-Commander Player's Rank 166 )

      I’m level 28 (with 15k biofuel) and I can buy the black hydra turret research for 1500 training points. But that means I won’t be able to build it until I reach level 30?

      • omero ( Warrant Officer Warrant Officer Player's Rank 68 )

        Yup… I’m trying to find an answer to this very question. I’m L14 and already have Black Hydra research available but… From what I read in the main info above, even if I complete the research, I wouln’t be able to actually upgrade a Hydra -> Black until I hit L30!
        Thus I’m wondering… Why researching Black Hydra if I can’t get it at my level?

  11. Texi Teman ( Private First Class Private First Class Player's Rank 10 )

    Turrets are very beautiful.

  12. DeeAy ( Private Private Player's Rank 1 )

    Where do I build turrets when the research is finished?

    • Maria ( Lieutenant General Lieutenant General Player's Rank 517 )

      Click on the desired turret and see the necessary resources for its improvement to that which investigated :)

  13. Marios ( Private Private Player's Rank 1 )

    Can anyone tell me how to defeat a taurrents? I do not have crystals. I only have stormbreaker,assault rifle, vulcan, g1 and g2 grenates. and i have 3 taurrents to destroy. I use grenates but i cant through them continually because they need to cool down. and by the time it cools off i get killed.

  14. MikeHawk ( Sergeant Sergeant Player's Rank 21 )

    Do maximus turrets move while defending the base from spider attacks like they do in PvP.

  15. JimHFD103 ( Private Private Player's Rank 1 )

    Dang… I’m level 30, just attacked a Level 46 in PvP (Yeah I figured it would be a tough fight, but not insurmountable either)… but then a Maximus came lumbering up at the beginning and cue the Surprised Pikachu face… never seen anything like that. (I think I faced a Black Hydra once, but most of the time the turrets I face in PvP even with the advanced player levels, which I swear are always minimum 10-15 levels ahead of me, maybe one on the whole archipelago is lower… are the Hephaestus. Tough but can be overcome with grenades and acid and energy weapons)
    I saw that walking monstrosity and was like “WTF” and unsurprisingly lasted all of 10 seconds vainly trying to chip away at it with a grenade and energy rifle (Rico shooting his acid shotgun)…

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