
The Embassy is one of the many Buildings in Evolution: Battle for Utopia game.


The Embassy allows you to get help from your friends, granting bonuses and making you even more formidable.

Embassy can be acquired by unlocking it in Tactics and Strategy section. Once researched and built, you will be able to receive and send gifts to your friends on Facebook that play the game.

Embassy at the Home Base Location

Embassy at the Home Base Location

Receiving Gifts

Daily can be receive up to three packs of Crystallite with 75Crystallite in each (225Crystallite total).

You have five friends in the list but can choose any three to accept the gifts from them.

Receiving Gifts

Sending Gifts

You can make gifts to your friends as well! Each day you can send gifts to 10 friends – one gift to one friend!

This process is absolutely free to you. You will not spend any Crystallite you have via sending gifts.

Sending Gifts


Embassy can be upgraded for 199Gems to advanced version.

After upgrade you will be able to receive Time Boosters in addition to Crystallite for your friends victories.

Daily can be received up to three packs of Time boosters with 5Time Boosters in each (15Time Boosters total).

To receive Time boosters pack from a friend, he have to win 20 battles.

Receiving Time Boosters

Receiving Time Boosters


Try to upgrade your Embassy as fast as possible. Time Boosters is hard to find and they are very useful to accelerate your production or something else.

To get more friends on a Facebook you can post your profile link in Friends on Facebook forum topic.

In Embassy Background Image

In Embassy Background Image


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15 Responses to Embassy

  1. Ashdown ( Private Private Player's Rank 2 )

    Hi, i can’t log to the embassy, i tap on the building, it shows me the message (translated from french) “authorize Facebook to use the embassy”, i tap on the button “connexion + 5 gems” it opens a window quickly then it shuts, the game re-load and…i’m still not connect. Maybe it comes from the way i’m “connected” to the game…please someone help me, it’s very frustrating to have this building and be unable to use it…

    • HelloShitty ( Lieutenant Colonel Lieutenant Colonel Player's Rank 294 )

      Ashdown, maybe you should send a ticket to game support. We are just a fan site, not an official game’s site!

      • Ashdown ( Private Private Player's Rank 2 )

        I hoped that one of the fans had had the same problem.. ^^
        I’m gonna do it, thx

  2. HelloShitty ( Lieutenant Colonel Lieutenant Colonel Player's Rank 294 )

    Do you feel offended? If so, you need to get over it! :s

  3. omero ( Warrant Officer Warrant Officer Player's Rank 68 )

    Why don’t we have such thing valid for G+?

  4. Grim Reapress ( Private First Class Private First Class Player's Rank 7 )

    Hi guys, I got a question.
    For the time boost in embassy, which is counted,20 victories in pvp or any 20 victories?

    • SunSidTDM ( Lieutenant-Commander Lieutenant-Commander Player's Rank 166 )

      Any 20 victories :)
      I always get at least 16 victories per day so you can get lot of time boosters from me 😉

      • Allenium ( Private Private Player's Rank 1 )

        Be my friend, i will give you,,,ugmm… embassy gifts lol but seriously tho,would you?


  5. lickidysplit ( Private Private Player's Rank 1 )

    I’m not on Facebook so is this worth development/ the embassy

    • SunSidTDM ( Lieutenant-Commander Lieutenant-Commander Player's Rank 166 )

      It’s very useful, you can get 275 crystals per day but crystals are only useful at high levels.

  6. Shinzs ( Private Private Player's Rank 1 )

    Greetings guys, add me to ur friend list y. Im active new player :D.

  7. Salvator ( Sergeant Sergeant Player's Rank 24 )

    I “do” wanna build this one. But is it useless if I dont have any facebook friend who play the game??

  8. omero ( Warrant Officer Warrant Officer Player's Rank 68 )

    Hello All. I used to have a working Embassy… not anymore
    I did try follow recent instructions on how to get (again) a working Embassy… Did not work… Any suggestions?

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