Core Location Walkthrough

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Core Location Walkthrough

Object Type Enemies Composition Reward Required? Comments
Enemy 1 C-800 Synthetic3, C-500 Synthetic5 60Experience, Random Resources Yes C-500 Synthetic8 100Unarmored
Enemy 2 Arachnid Dominator7 60Experience, Random Resources Yes C-800 Synthetic8 910Unarmored
Enemy 3 Arachnid Dominator2, Thermit Dominator7 60Experience, Random Resources Yes C-400 Synthetic17 998Unarmored
Enemy 4 C-400 Synthetic1Hound Dominator4, C-800 Synthetic5 60Experience, Random Resources Yes Dominion Turret64 954Armored
Enemy 5 Cyclone Dominator4C-500 Synthetic3 60Experience, Random Resources Yes Cyclone Dominator14 969Armored
Enemy 6 Cyclone Dominator2Dominion Turret summons: Technician Dominator (infinite), Arachnid Dominator3 60Experience, Random Resources Yes Arachnid Dominator =  10 425Armored
Enemy 7 C-400 Synthetic3, C-800 Synthetic7 60Experience, Random Resources Yes Hound Dominator = 19 513Armored
Enemy 8 Technician Dominator13 60Experience, Random Resources Yes Technician Dominator = 3 900Armored
Enemy 9 C-800 Synthetic1C-900 Synthetic3, C-500 Synthetic6 60Experience, Random Resources Yes C-900 Synthetic = 36 326Unarmored
Enemy 10 Cyclone Dominator3C-500 Synthetic6 60Experience, Random Resources No Synthetic E-5000 = 75 996Unarmored
Enemy 11 Arachnid Dominator7 60Experience, Random Resources No Thermit Dominator = 6300Armored
Enemy 12 Technician Dominator13 60Experience, Random Resources No
Enemy 13 Arachnid Dominator7 60Experience, Random Resources Yes
Enemy 14 C-400 Synthetic1Hound Dominator4, C-800 Synthetic5 60Experience, Random Resources Yes
Enemy 15 Cyclone Dominator4C-900 Synthetic1, C-500 Synthetic6 60Experience, Random Resources Yes
Enemy 16 Technician Dominator13 60Experience, Random Resources Yes
Enemy 17 C-400 Synthetic2, Arachnid Dominator6C-800 Synthetic5 60Experience, Random Resources Yes
Enemy 18 C-800 Synthetic1C-900 Synthetic3, C-500 Synthetic6 60Experience, Random Resources Yes
Enemy 19 Cyclone Dominator4C-500 Synthetic3 60Experience, Random Resources Yes
Enemy 20 C-400 Synthetic1Hound Dominator4, C-800 Synthetic5 60Experience, Random Resources Yes To get access to the next “Annihilator” location
Enemy 21 Cyclone Dominator2Dominion Turret summons: Technician Dominator (infinite), Arachnid Dominator3 60Experience, Random Resources Yes you have to kill all enemy squads here
Enemy 22 C-500 Synthetic4Synthetic E-50001 50Experience, Random Resources Yes (terraforming is not necessary)
Enemy 23 Arachnid Dominator2, Thermit Dominator7 60Experience, Random Resources Yes Equalizer Dominator = 8 700Armored
Enemy 24 C-400 Synthetic1Hound Dominator4, C-800 Synthetic5 60Experience, Random Resources Yes Tyrant Dominator = 75 996Armored
Boss Equalizer Tyrant Dominator summons: Technician Dominator (infinite), Technician Dominator10Equalizer Dominator3Equalizer summons: Cyclone Dominator (infinite) 60Experience, Random Resources Yes Equalizer = 80 000Armored


Object Type Reward Required? Comments
Hack 1 10Experience, 1Gems, Stasis GrenadeNew Research, Random Resources No
Hack 2 10Experience, 1Gems, Dominion Assault RifleNew Research, Random Resources No
Hack 3 10Experience, 1Gems, G-3 Frag Grenade: 1, U-3 Medpack: 1, Random Resources No
Study 1 10Experience, 15Data Disks, Commander’s Log: Chapter 53 No Drops from Enemy 8
Study 2  10Experience, 15Data Disks, Commander’s Log: Chapter 54 No
Other Places
Starting Point Located at the center of bottom side of the location
 Total Location Experience: 1540Experience


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20 Responses to Core Walkthrough

  1. psb ( Sublieutenant Sublieutenant Player's Rank 104 )

    what is the e5000?? i cant find any data on it in enemies… also it looks like its tyrant dominator without the armor …

  2. psb ( Sublieutenant Sublieutenant Player's Rank 104 )

    yes… i checked both icons and it is hegemon… thanx… but its life is same as tyrant dominatr…

    • HelloShitty ( Lieutenant Colonel Lieutenant Colonel Player's Rank 294 )

      I think it’s a but worst than Tyrant… Hegemon-04 can regenerate up to 3600 health points per second or something like that. You need Moloch MG to defeat him!

  3. psb ( Sublieutenant Sublieutenant Player's Rank 104 )

    that much?? even moloch will not be enough then if he regenerates at 3600/sec…

  4. HelloShitty ( Lieutenant Colonel Lieutenant Colonel Player's Rank 294 )

    How you guys managed to defeat enemy nº 8, the 13 Technicians?

  5. psb ( Sublieutenant Sublieutenant Player's Rank 104 )

    wth ?? even the most basic enemies have a hell lot of health… above 8000 means u will need more than 15 shots to kill the most basic enemy … should i research them too ??

    • HelloShitty ( Lieutenant Colonel Lieutenant Colonel Player's Rank 294 )

      Well, I don’t know which enemies are you talking about. The ones I’m talking about has about 3000 or 4000, but they come in packs of three at the same time and they start coming at you since from the very beginning leaving you wit no time to kill them all before they hit you and when they hit you it’s pretty much like the Bomber’s Queen that even if you have 100% health, you die instantly!

  6. HelloShitty ( Lieutenant Colonel Lieutenant Colonel Player's Rank 294 )

    Well, anyone has any tip to defeat those 13 Technicians?

  7. psb ( Sublieutenant Sublieutenant Player's Rank 104 )

    well, for the technicians, you could use the grenades + acid canon … use g3 grenades for the centre, that should take it out.. and with acid canon max… i think u can kill one with 3-4 shots… and do the technicians shot you ?? if not… i think i would take my chosen by xi armor here,,, since 100 % health is useless and so is protoarmor… at least u get regenerated in chose by xi…

    as the last resort.. u can use phoenix 😀 it will save u a lot of resources…

    i am taking abt the synthetics… they have an awful lot of health… should i research them ??

  8. HelloShitty ( Lieutenant Colonel Lieutenant Colonel Player's Rank 294 )

    I only use phoenix missile on enemies I have already defeated! If I use Phoenix missiles every time I can’t defeat an enemy I won’t get a better and better fighter! I want to get better and better!

    I have only researched the C-900 Synthetic!

  9. psb ( Sublieutenant Sublieutenant Player's Rank 104 )

    honestly, i think one shouldnt fight the c900 synthetic… it has a hell lot of health and its almost impossible to beat it with anything other than mg… still its tough… i would suggest anyone to use phoenix on it because it will save you a hell lot of ammo…

    • HelloShitty ( Lieutenant Colonel Lieutenant Colonel Player's Rank 294 )

      Not quite like that psb… I usually don’t use special weapons on him. If you research Level 2 on him, and with a little luck you can beat him with Dominion/Kurbatov’s pitols, 2 aimed shots and 1 or 2 G1 frag grenades. I also use at least 1 U2 Med pack. That’s what I usually use to deal with him. (Note: I have Dominion armor which also may help). But of course, maybe 50% of the encounters I have with C-900 I loose!

  10. psb ( Sublieutenant Sublieutenant Player's Rank 104 )

    wow…to do it with so less resources… its awesome !! but u get the time to use two aimed shots ?? it always comes near after i use one aimed shot… and i try it with u2 and u1 medpacks only… no grenades … so i lose, even with proto… if i dont use 2nd gun…

    but logically… i dont fight c900… because i have pcp points <4000, so i can get 400 resources… so it wont be benificial for me if i use grenades + u2 medpacks… as the resources used crosses 400…

    can u tell me exactly where the g1 is useful ?? i cant find anyplace where its required ??

  11. psb ( Sublieutenant Sublieutenant Player's Rank 104 )

    i finally found the easy way to beat the technicians…TAKE THE XI ARMOR WITH YOU… they come in 3-2-3-2-3… as soon as the fight starts… throw a grenade g3 in the centre and hit the side ones in mg… the nxt wave is 2… which is easy…in 3rd wave…shoot 2 down and DONT SHOOT the 3rd one…it will come closer to u and blast…killing you… regenerate and start shooting the nxt wave of 2… in the final wave … u shoot 2 down again but not the 3rd… the 3rd one will come near and as it is the last one… it will harmlessly blast itself…

    this … i think needs around 40-45 bullets of acid canon + 1 g3… i cant manage in less than this… still i pretty think without a mg… u wont be able to beat it…

    u can try sniping one but i dont think they give that much tym…

  12. HelloShitty ( Lieutenant Colonel Lieutenant Colonel Player's Rank 294 )

    Yeah, I just used the Acid Canon with the Attack Mode on and let it do it’s job! Maybe I use a bit more of shots but I don’t care! Didn’t use any grenade so far to beat them down!

  13. psb ( Sublieutenant Sublieutenant Player's Rank 104 )

    now i am able to beat the technicians in 32 mg shots… this is easy…

  14. PM ( Corporal Corporal Player's Rank 12 )

    How do you beat enemy #6? I lose every time fighting the two C-900s at once. I’ve been using Dominion armor (I have Xi armor as well) with the Dominion Pistol and Acid Shotgun both fully upgraded and Hank is at CiC. Please help. Thanks.

  15. PM ( Corporal Corporal Player's Rank 12 )

    Nevermind just figured it out. Bring the Moloch MG and be close to full health for the two C-900s. The secret is when when both C-900s are firing DO NOT use the Aimed shot. Just throw a grenade and sit behind your shield and take it. Then when they’re both taunting you simultaneously whip out the MG and waste one of them.
    You’re tempted to use the aimed shot to stop them both firing at you at once but if you do they become out of sync and you’ll never have much time to shoot back.

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