Black Hydra Turret
The Black Hydra is one of the many Turrets in the Evolution: Battle for Utopia game.
Previous turret: Hydra
Unlocked by: Discover Technology at “Tactics and Strategy” for 1 500
Research Cost (Time): 1200, 35
, 1200
Cost Reduction Requirement: Turrets destroyed (5)
Reduced Research Cost (Time): 960, 28
, 960
Increases Base Defense by: 400 (+50)
Construction Cost (Time): 3500, 1600
, 1600
Hitpoints in PvP: 21 028
Walkthrough guide for this turret: Here
Next turret: Maximus
Black Hydra Turret
Black Hydra Turret Construction Complete Image
Black Hydra Turret Concept Art
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In game Black Hydra Turret screenshot
It says: “I see you and you are DEAD MAN!”
doesn’t this thing have flame like animations for its shots or something
I am trying to get the cost reduction for the Black Hydra Turret which requires me to destroy 5 turrets.
However, whenever I successfully destroy a Maximus Turret – the only one at my level – in an “Occupation” mission, it still shows “Turrets destroyed 0/5″ at the Research Center under my Black Hydra Turret Research.
Is this a bug?
Seems so… They should counts! Try to wipe out some turret in PvP…
Seems like u can get this turret and maximus before lvl 30. Before lvl 30, u get max storage of 1500, fill it up and when u upgrade the turret, use 20 gems to fill in the missing resources.
Same with the maximus but needs a lot more gems. Nice trick
problem is if u can get enough skill points for it before lvl 30
this is untrue as when you use gems to buy resources it wont go past your storage limit