Black Legion Checkpoint Location
The Black Legion Checkpoint is one of the many Story-line locations in the Evolution: Battle for Utopia game.
Black Legion Checkpoint is a primary story-line location and the first in “Black Legion” game update.
Hack steel hangar at the top left corner leads to the secondary story-line location UFO Crash
Previous story-line location: Kingpin’s Hideout
Difficulty: 4/7
Total enemies: 26
Boss: Mammoth Tank
Story of this location: Here
Walkthrough of this location: Here
Rewards: Pegasus Pistol, U-3 Medpack, U-3 Medpack Kit, 52
Commander’s Log: Chapters 32-34
Terraforming Price: 5 000
Side story tasks on location
- Unlock the UFO Сrash sector
Next story-line location: Black Legion Base
Black Legion Checkpoint Location on the Globe
Initial View of Black Legion Checkpoint Location
Black Legion Checkpoint Location View After Terraforming
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I just started Black Legion Check point and completely blow away in the difference in power of these guys. Just starting my run towards Pegasus Pistol. After I get the Pegasus pistol, how do you deal with armoured opponents? Till now, M3 SMG or the acid gun
along with grenades were sufficient. But grenades are doing only about 900 worth of damage.
I am at Lvk 28- 96% and have currently-
Stromtrooper Armor
M3SMG Pistol – fully updated
Acid Pistol – Fully updated
Storm AR – Dmg and Mag fully updated – Critical chance -0%
Screamer Shotgun
Roxy – partner. – 800/70
Would appreciate any pointers.
It’s been 5 years but incase your still stuck upgrade your acid pistol and use the Strom rifle until you reach mammoth tank I recommend you use Phoenix on turrets since they are really powerful but if you can get your hands on the UFO pistol well things will be way way easier for you
Damn I’m still amazed people are still playing this game
И будут играть. Потому что лучше этого шедевра я ничего не вижу сейчас)