The Kingpin is one of the bosses in the Evolution: Battle for Utopia game.
Real Name: Vincent Gold
Origin: The Earth
The control over the west part of Utopia’s biggest continent belongs to a man who after all has some rights for it. Kingpin, known on the Earth as Vincent Gold, have financed the colonization of the planet from his own resources. It was his money that helped the genius scientist Adam Cruise to build the Green City, which eventually became the epicenter of the disaster that affected the entire Utopia. Even after losing everything Kingpin didn’t let the failures break his will. His cruelty helps him to maintain the top place at the hierarchy of the bandits’ chieftains and they pity those who’ll dare to fight him for the control over his empire.
Location: Kingpin’s Hideout, just below the center, near the entrance to the location
Health: 40 000
Weapon: Shotgun
Strengths: Can throw grenades, Deals max damage from short distance
Weaknesses: Unarmored, Often taunting, Not shooting from the long distance
The guards:
Link to the Walkthrough Guide: Here
Victory Reward: 60, Random Resources
Commander’s Log: Chapter 31
Kingpin at the Location
Kingpin’s Concept Art
Kingpin’s Rendering
Kingpin’s Video Introduction
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What’s that ability that appears in the bottom left corner of the video with a shield (-30%) and a riffle (10%) ?
Is i that tech called “Attack Battle Mode” from “Tactics and Strategy” menu?
Yes! Look here: Attack-battle-mode
I am lvl 39,with 2.500 life,rico at maximum upgrade,the pistol and shot gun maximum upgrade,lvl 3 grenades and lvl 3 life potions…and i barelly take half life of fim…wtf?…a little help?
Use roxy, not rico. And use an assault rifle, not a shotgun. From what i remember, he keeps at bay for most of the time, so shotguns and rico wont do much damage. Use incendiary grenades since he is not armoured.
And offcourse, use stasis when he is taunting and shoot youself to death 😉
as far as he is not armored, use mashine gun
Is it possible to get Roxy at lvl 17? Because i notice some guy whos rank 1 in global pvp that has her and he is lvl 17, im new btw just dinged lvl 9 lol
Lol after usin megathrone ar and acid pistol and a shit ton of g3 grenaides and u3 medkits i won