Boombird Operation
The Boombird is one of the many Operations in the Evolution: Battle for Utopia game.
We have located the test range where Kingpin’s engineers are producing an army of the Boombirds. These flying drons are designed to explode when they approach the enemy. In numbers they are extremely dangerous. We should stop the production before it’s too late!
Previous Operation: Berserker
Available from Player’s Level: 25
Distance: 1553 km
Minimum Helicopter to Reach: Dragon
Difficulty: 4/7
Features of operation: Boombirds
Respawn: Every 15 hours
Total enemies: 50 or more depending on how many Boombirds the Engineer will spawn (in 6 Waves)
Total Skill Points award for all tasks: 6 250
Max. Skill Points for “after” walk-through: 50 or more
Walkthrough guide for this operation: Here
Next Operation: Terminator
The Boombird Operation Appearance

Commander, I’ve got the scoop! Kingpin seems to produce an army of drons to finish us!
Kingpin has drons? Wherefrom?
One of his engineers has got the knack of assembling them out of various scrap that this planet is stuffed with.
Such a dron is an automatically controlled bomb in an armored frame.
Kingpin is trying to produce as many Boombirds as possible and destroy our base with a powerful strike that we will never repel.
An army of suicide bird drons? Wow, Kingspin is a dreamer!
If they succeed in producing enough Boombirds, we won’t fight them out, commander.
Better to liquidate that engineer and the Boombirds he has already constructed, so not to be blown sky-high one day. And where can we find this do-it-yourself man?
Kingspin has secreted the works on a distant island. I’ve located the coordinates but we need a high-powered helicopter to reach the place.
If we hurry up and land there just now, we’ll be able to take the enemy unawares.
Let’s do that way. Good work, Shroeder!

To pass through this special operation you will need the weapon against armored targets.
Use the Aimed Shots versus most “healthy” enemies.
Recommended to “after” walk-through on high player’s levels (can earn many Skill Points killing spawning Boombirds by Engineer).
Tasks Table
Enemies Table
Boombird Operation on the Globe
Boombird Operation in progress
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Epic fail on the screenshot above
Wrong weapons…
Do we loose all our medpacks used in these operations if we can’t reach the very finale enemy?
Yes. Spetial operations are not the usual battles. If you die, you loose all spent ammo and ammunition.
Bombirds look like drones 😮
What is the best partner for this mission? My current level is 29 and I don’t have the Prometheus armour yet. Should I wait until I have that armour? Got the acid grenades. My thinking is either spider or rico.
I got Spidy
At your level, probably Rico is the best! If you see that you can’t go much further, wait for Prometheus!