Core Location
The Core is one of the many Story-line locations in the Evolution: Battle for Utopia game.
Core is a primary story-line location.
Previous story-line location: Incubator
Difficulty: 7/7
Total enemies: 25
Boss: Equalizer
Story of this location: Here
Walkthrough of this location: Here
Rewards: Stasis Grenade, Dominion Assault Rifle, 58
Commander’s Log: Chapters 53-54
Terraforming price: 30 000
Next story-line location: Annihilator
Core Location on the Globe
Initial View of Core Location
Core Location View After Terraforming
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in my game im in the 72 stage. and i have finished the annihilator game. but now im waiting for the EXODUS update . still i did not recived it yet. please can you tl me why is that im not gettin this update?? another thing is that I could not find this “-[STORY] Reach the Meeting Point and meet the coming Earth expedition” in the game?? where is this story i mean how do i find this meeting point? im in the 72 stage and i cant find this meeting point in my map .. please any one HELP me plaese…..
Same problem here. Shamed on the game.
You have to wait for the exodus update, it isn’t released yet, be patient
hi.in this thread it says that I come across this CORE location after the Incubator and before the Annihilator. but unfortunately i did not come across this stage. can someone explain why this has happened to me????
Can you post a screenshot of your Map??? I can see a location (which I still have not reached yet because I’m still at Incubator) between Incubator and the last red marked location that I assume it’s Annihilator location (last one). This location between the 2 I’ve just mentioned must be the Core location!
locations seams to be changed???
“Play “Mole” (Nuclear Version)” this mole is not coming to me to play? and I dont have the acid grnd g-2 to continue the missions. please tl me how to obtain this grands too????
Nuclear Mole and Mole appears randomly! G2 Acid Frag grenades are only available via Smugglers Offers… So, I think you need to wait! At some point, probably you’ll get the offer!
I mean that time takn to appear mole is too long….
does the mole and smugglers offers are two different things??
dilshan , S_e_s_h and Goowdin already told you that you somehow missed the previous update somehow and that the Core Location came after that update you miss. So, you need to calm down and wait for the next update “Exodus” too keep playing the game!
And keep this conversation in only one site. Do not spam all the site with the same conversation, please!
what do y mean by SPAM ?
Asking the same questions in multiple site locations! Use only one location to ask one question!
i am using version 3.1.2. is the core location available in this version? if not, will i have to update?? how much data does it take and will i be able to continue my game??
The game should have updated by itself. And I think you won’t loose your progress with the updates.
well i had auto update switched off. so how do i update it ??
also is it worthwhile to go through core?? what are the advantages and disadvantages of going through core mission ??
I think the updates are controlled by the Android SO as it’s also Android SO that manages all the other application updates (I assume you’re using Android, If not, I can’t help much).
I don’t know how to answer you about to go through Core if you already completed Annihilator location!.
i am using android kitkat… and i am in beacon… so it is still possible to go through core… also , if i dont go through core.. would i get dominion ar?? (stasis is not of use to me as i have never used stasis grenade)… also, stasis grenade uses a hell lot of ammo… i would rather produce two g3 grenades in dat price…
As far as I’m concerned, you need to clean all enemies at one sector to be able to move to the next one! So, I think you can’t get into Annihilator without clearing Core location first! You won’t get Dominion AR unless you hack it at Core Location!