Defense Line Story
The story of Defense Line location is part of a larger Story Line in the Evolution: Battle for Utopia game.
General information about the Defense Line location is Here, and walkthrough guide is Here.
<<< Black Legion Base (Main Story)

We`ve nearly left the territory of the Black Legion. This is the last sector controlled by them on our route.
But it won`t be easy to pass across it. My recon drons are reporting on a hot battle being fought there.
The Black Legion is fighting against the Dominators?
Yes, the main Defense Line of the Black Legion is located in the sector – Kurbatov himself is heading the troops.
Bad news, but we have no choice. We need to pass through this sector. Our goal is near.
Sir, we`re being attacked from the rear!
Damn it! How did the Dominators manage it?!
Sir, it`s not the Dominators. One hostile is identified – he headed the attack on our secret storage Base.
Oh, that very man… I had to know. No doubts, this stranger is with the Dominion!
Sending a Terminators` unit against him. Burn the traitor to ashes!
A Terminator… That means Kurbatov is continuing his devious experiments with the dead.
I still can`t believe that there’s a human being inside this pile of metal scrap… a human brain… forced to execute the orders of this damned Kurbatov even after the death of the body.
When you see all this, how can you believe that Kurbatov is fighting for mankind?!
Mankind is doomed to lose this war even if Kurbatov destroys all the Dominators.

Stranger, whoever you are… Know I`m glad that no one of my soldiers has finished you off yet and now I can do that myself.
I don`t want to fight. All I need is to get to the other side. Put down your weapon – we’ve shed enough blood.
I see you`ve got a lot of nerve!
Do you think I`ll let you go after you ruined my Base, sabotaged the Z.E.V.S. construction and now have destroyed our final Defense Line?
What did the Dominion promise to you? Maybe, to leave you alive?
No one has given me any promises. I`m going eastwards because someone there is downing Earth ships.
I need to stop this and let a next expedition reach the planet safely. Only that way we`ll be able to save all the people of Utopia.
It`s a lie! I don`t believe a word! There`s the Dominion territory behind this line – and no man has ever returned from there alive.
A first Dominator will break your back like a twig, then pour off your blood and make another Synthetic out of your dead body!
I`ve been fighting the Dominators from the beginning and know what I`m saying. If you aren`t their spy, there`s the only future for you behind these gates – to become a sack for a Synthetic.
I am not the Dominators` spy and want to protect the people of Utopia as much as you do!
Another lie! You wanted to protect people so much that sabotaged the Z.E.V.S. construction, did you? It was the mankind`s last hope to survive!
You shouldn`t construct the Z.E.V.S. by destroying the relic terraformers!
These obelisks stand around for a reason. We have to save them – otherwise, the consequences may be more than terrible.
More terrible than the Dominion? Do you understand it is going to destroy everything here – up to the last human? And now, nothing will stop it… Thanks for you!

Thanks for me?
Seems it was YOU who stood behind the Green City gates urging the mob to storm it!
It was YOUR threats that made Cruise give the Dominion this damned order, so that the poor computer got stuck and started making some “sacks” of people.
You know nothing!!!
I am an officer of the Earth Federation United Forces! I was executing the orders!
Under the cover of the Utopia colonization, Adam Cruise and Vincent Gold were constructing weapons to seize the power on Earth!
And we got to know this too late because of the Red Plague – when the most of the Cruise and Gold`s projects were nearly done. We had to act fast.
My people and I were sent to Utopia as refugees to penetrate Green City and capture Adam Cruise.
But Cruise somehow heard about this and panicked. No one knew that he would be so afraid of exposure that would decide to destroy the whole city!
I was doing everything I could to save the planet and the inhabitants after the disaster.
Instead of making a band and robbing people like Vincent Gold, I created an army and began to protect people from the Dominators that appeared from nowhere.
I gave people weapons, morale and faith! I united them in front of the greatest danger!
So don`t dare to rub my nose in my mistakes! I`ve been doing my duty!
Let`s assume that everything was like you said. But keeping me from passing through these gates, you are preventing me from doing MY duty!
I know what is your duty – the destruction of everything that was protecting us from the Dominators. You`ve fulfilled it and now are going to get your reward.
It seems we won`t come to an agreement…
I make no agreements with the traitors of mankind. Never. But I`m glad that destiny is giving me the chance to destroy you with my own hands. I`m grateful for this.

Human. You have annihilated my old enemy and his followers. You have given me the opportunity to continue the efficient implementation of the “destroy everything” directive.
Dominion is giving thanks to you. Nevertheless, if you think you will be an exception to the “destroy everything” directive, you are wrong.
You`re mistaken, Machine. I killed your enemy because he was stopping me from destroying you. Is that clear?
It is difficult to understand you, human… Do you wish me harm, like my old enemy?
I can`t answer this question until you tell me why you’re downing all the ships approaching to Utopia.
They are getting under the implementation of the “destroy everything” directive and creating uncertainty factors in my future model. Their annihilation is under priority # 2.
# 2?. . And what is priority # 1 then?
The destruction of the complex organic structure called “Xi”.
That means you`re afraid of this purple pest more than of humans…
Then it`s clear what your giant Dominators were doing in my terraformed sectors and why they never touched us.
They had another mission. They were studying the terraformation impact on XI.
You also don`t know how to defeat Xi and the terraformation is your only known way to contain the creature.
I`m helping you to fight against Xi by terraforming the planet. That`s why your machines have never harmed me, right?
Affirmative. We have not taken any military actions against you under the “destroy everything” directive yet.
You and your followers are to be destroyed right after Xi or after the termination of your planet terraformation operations.
Why are you telling me all this?
To make you terraform the planet more efficiently, human.
I might destroy you.
You won`t be able to do it. Even my old enemy failed, though he had the weapons and technologies I had once designed for my owner.
Anyway, I`ll have to annihilate you if you keep downing the ships coming here.

Your confidence in your ability to annihilate me is a display of extremely low mental capacity.
But at the same time, it is not me, but you who has managed to launch the planet terraformation key program and to defeat my old enemy.
This contradiction creates an uncertainty factor. I need time to process the information.
* * * switching to a ciphered communication channel * * *
#(the message is ciphered)# 912127912 120128735 91291212719121 128218124 92125929 292912 7221292 227521 222345
Hegemon – 04
#(the message is ciphered)# 852 821812 18333 39352 2445 13959 59593933 37373 373737 59593 272277 22
#(the message is ciphered)# 12221 3283232 3281 33633 3622
#(the message is ciphered)# 9551 5907 0014
* * * switching to an open communication channel * * *
… Human, I`m increasing your utility for the “destroy everything” directive implementation. You will be… my new Hegemon.
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is there a way to decode the dominion’s conversation with adam cruise(hegemon-04) ?
As far as I’m aware, no… you can try converting it from hexadecimal, but it only gives you gibberish I don’t think it says anything