Z.E.V.S. Story
The story of Z.E.V.S. location is part of a larger Story Line in the Evolution: Battle for Utopia game.
General information about the Z.E.V.S. location is Here, and walkthrough guide is Here.
<<< Black Legion Base (Main Story)
We`re on the site. That`s where Kurbatov is constructing his “Z.E.V.S.” monster.
Anderson, try to hack into their local network and get all the details on the Z.E.V.S. construction.
And we`ll take a look around.
Sir, a hostile unit is spotted. Seems like trying to penetrate our territory.
Z.E.V.S. Operator
Soldier, the hostile sniper`s intrusion was already reported half an hour ago.
Excuse me, sir, but I`ve spotted two new targets. The female sniper isn`t among them. This is a new intrusion.
Z.E.V.S. Operator
The second one for half an hour? . . Seems like the Z.E.V.S. isn`t a secret anymore for our enemies.
We`re revealed too early. Put me through to the General to request new instructions.
Sorry, sir, the communications center has been just destroyed by the enemy. The General isn`t available.
Z.E.V.S. Operator
Damn it! Use your eyes! Fix the communications immediately! And mop up the area!

Commander, I confirm the information on the alone sniper`s intrusion into the area that is discussed by the Legion guys.
The sniper showed up here shortly before us, penetrated the area from the back side and, first of all, destroyed the communications center. Acts like a professional.
I think a professional wouldn`t attack such a secure area alone. Or, maybe it`s a superhero.
Rather a superheroine. We`re aware, that`s a female. And she perfectly knows how to handle an energetic sniper rifle.
What a surprise! I`ve got a deja vu feeling. I wonder who the lady is and what she wants.
I`ll try to clear it up.
Sir, two hostiles having penetrated the factory aren`t neutralized yet.
They`re advancing towards the main shaft. The passage is blocked, the Mammoth tank providing fire support. Be sure, the enemy won`t pass.
Z.E.V.S. Operator
Hope you`re able to assess the situation. I`m tired of your failures. Is the female sniper destroyed?
Negative. Sorry, sir. She`s well-trained. We`re still trying to entrap her. She`s advancing towards the service elevator. Her probable target is the Z.E.V.S. assembly lines.
Z.E.V.S. Operator
She has cut off our communications and is likely to sabotage the production while those two are distracting us! Stop her!

Commander, your order to hack into the Z.E.V.S. local network has been executed. I have some valuable information.
New data confirms what we got at the Legion base. The Z.E.V.S. is really being constructed out of the materials recycled from the relic terraformers.
They`ll have to dismantle at least four more relics to complete the construction of this battle supermachine.
And there`s something else. Looking through the Z.E.V.S. specifications, I found the same signatures as in the Phoenix missile system.
It means that the Z.E.V.S. isn`t designed by the Legion themselves – it`s just another Kronos project. The General is just completing the Adam Cruise`s work.
This Z.E.V.S. is another Cruise`s “child”? My only question is how he got time to construct peaceful Green City…
Yes, everything indicates that military developments were the main Kronos objective. Seems like Green City was just a cover for the Cruise`s dirty business.
It`s difficult to find any peaceful use for the Phoenix or Z.E.V.S. systems. These toys are created for a war. A major war.
Am I the only one who sees her? That`s the girl from the Citadel. The Kingpin`s chief commander. Matryoshka!
She is alive… Or, maybe it`s a ghost…
I doubt that a ghost could have finished all these soldiers off…

It`s you again!
I can`t believe my eyes…
How is it possible? . . Did they exile you from Hell for bad behavior?
A long story to tell. Let`s talk another time. I`ve got a good deal of work here.
What work? Raising hell around? Is that you who destroyed the Legion communications?
Sure. Otherwise the General would have sent here an army. The Z.E.V.S. is his key objective. He would pay any price to stop us.
I`ve just saved your life, sweetie!
And I remember how I took yours that time.
It happens. I forgive you. And now, sorry guy, but I need to do my stuff.
Wait. If your “stuff” is related to the Z.E.V.S, maybe we could help each other. Tell me, why are you here?
If I tell you everything, you and your squad will be in fatal danger. The knowledge can kill you. Are you sure you want to hear all this junk?
I`m here for the knowledge, so don’t worry about me.
Okay, but the situation isn`t easy. I`ll start from the beginning.
I hope you`ve guessed already that besides people, there lives something… alien here on Utopia. Something mighty and evil.
This Evil is all around us. It has wrapped the planet all over with its purple tentacles and penetrated everywhere like a plague, its uncounted hordes destroying everything that it cannot capture.
I think you`ve seen enough to know – it`s not my fantasy. The Evil is real and it`s awakening and becoming stronger and stronger.
I`ve got it. You are talking of Xi!
Right. Xi is an ancient deadly creature from the deep space that made its nest in the Utopia depths.
Or, more exactly, it was entrapped here.
This story started long ago. That time Xi was annihilating entire star systems. The inhabitants of those planets were trying to stop it, but Xi was too strong and too persistent.
Once it came into the Solar system. It headed towards Earth and… made a turn. Just passed by.
A powerful alien civilization fighting against Xi found out that it had been frightened away by terrestrial flora.
The flora had been proved to prevent Xi`s spores spreading, its concentration intoxicating the creature. This turned out to be the only weak point of Xi.
The aliens designed a technology enabling them to synthesize an Earth-like vegetation cover and, armed with this new weapon, continued their fight against the creature…
But they hadn`t manage to eliminate Xi at all. They forced it to land on a small planet and constructed huge obelisks there – the relic terraformers that we`re finding around…
The obelisks became the creature`s warders. They created a vegetation cover and started stimulating its growth, which paralyzed Xi and caught it in the green trap.
But then people arrived and made a mess of the planet, having broken the aliens` terraformers… You know what happened to Utopia next…
But where did you get this story?
The aliens told me. Not joking. Those who had entrapped Xi here. They came as soon as they received the signal that their terraformers had ceased operating.
But the aliens` ship was downed by the Dominion. And, having lost the communications with their home, they decided to repair and restart the terraformers themselves.
And then our brave General Kurbatov interfered, having decided to recycle the relics and construct his Z.E.V.S.
In response, the aliens found the best killer on Utopia. Yup, modesty is not my best quality. To cut it short, they asked me to stop Kurbatov.
They explained me clearly what would happen if the General recycled the obelisks. That’s why I agreed.
But the General is a tough guy with an army. So the aliens gave me an amulet to get to him.
The amulet can return its owner to the nearest past if he or she is killed. A cool thing, isn`t it?
It would have helped me to finish Kurbatov… But I spent all its charge at our last encounter. You`re a very persistent suitor!
Now, without the amulet, I have a little chance to kill Kurbatov. That`s why I decided to sabotage the Z.E.V.S. construction at this factory instead.
Even if this doesn`t save the obelisks, it will delay their recycling for sure.
That`s what I had been doing before I met you. It seems to be my fate!
I don`t know what to say. I`ve never heard such an incredible story in my entire life…
But, after all I`ve seen and experienced here on Utopia, I would believe you. And what`s more, I can help you if you join my squad.
I`m sure too that the destruction of the relic terraformers may result in an unexpected effect. And this isn`t worth risking – even for the defeat of the Dominators.
It seems our goals are the same… All agreed, then.
Dialog with Matryoshka

Tell me of Kingpin and Adam Cruise.
I got to know Kingspin from Earth. His name was Vincent Gold that time.
He was a billionaire and had made a fortune organizing revolutions and coups in the third world countries.
We got acquainted in the course of another coup. He recognized my skills and offered me a job.
Later, he met Adam Cruise and they developed together a most daring, tremendous and chilling plan in the history of mankind.
Cruise owned the largest military and industrial Kronos corporation. And Vincent had piles of money and his military coups experience.
They decided to join their assets and live out their “dream” – to seize the power on Earth. Nothing more, nothing less.
But they needed a suitable weapon for this ambitious plan. Something exceptional. And it would be impossible to keep such a powerful weapon secret while on Earth.
That’s why they thought up all that crap with Utopia.
Away from prying eyes, Cruise started pretending to construct a wonder city for the rich and creating the unique weapon that would enable Kingspin to go back to Earth and set up the new order.
But besides their super-weapon, they needed something that would help them to retain the power. Something that could be used only by the chosen few – like Cruise and Kingspin themselves.
That’s how they began to study Psi powers. And decided that all their Utopia-made weapons would be Psi-operated. Your Phoenix and the Black Legion Z.E.V.S. are the examples.
Kingspin and I came to Utopia when the weapons development had been nearly finished.
But aner us, escaping from the Red Plague, the thousands of the Earth refugees flowed to Utopia. No one would have foreseen it..
The refugees thought they would come to a resort a fairy Green City. Nuts! They didn’t even know that behind the city gates there was nothing but military factories and testing facilities.
When the mob with Kurbatov at head began to storm the city, Cruise understood that his fraud would show up. And ordered the Dominion to destroy Green City with all the clues.
You know what happened next. That’s why we’re living in a desert with the packs of monsters, looking at one another through the scope and dreaming to live out the day.
Tell me of the aliens
Those guys aren’t very chatty. And what are you interested in?
What are they doing?
They’re trying to repair and restart the obelisks. To do this, they need a huge amount of Biofuel. So they’re gathering it.
How do they look like?
They’re humonoids. Tall, but you’d never tell them from a human. I haven’t seen their faces – they’re always masked. Maybe, these masks enable them to breath our air.
how do they call themselves?
They call themselues “Collectors”. But they haven’t explained what it means.
Tell me of the Dominion
The Dominion is a grand problem… Kingspin could hate Kurbatou but in his heart he was glad that there was someone strong enough to shield him from the Dominators.
When we’re through with Kurbatov and make sure the obelisks are safe, the Dominators are likely to become our bane. I hope you do have a plan.
My plan is simple – to save the obelisks and prevent another Earth ship from being downed.
I hope the aliens will repair their terraformers and kennel that Xi back. And we, together with the Earth military forces, will handle the Dominion.
A bold plan of the type i like!

Z.E.V.S. Operator
Stranger, you`ve shown remarkable persistence in getting here. That`s why I`d like to talk a little before I kill you.
Why are you here? You`re a professional and should know that such super projects as the Z.E.V.S. have the appropriate “super” goals. The goals you don`t know about.
You are wrong. I know about your project goals and about the Dominators as well.
And I know, when the Legion fall, the Utopia people will be left face to face with the Dominion army. And, without the Z.E.V.S., the Legion defeat is a matter of time.
Z.E.V.S. Operator
Then what`s your reason? After all, preventing us to complete the Z.E.V.S., you`re not against the Black Legion. You`re against the whole mankind!!!
I don`t like the price we`ll have to pay for the Z.E.V.S. creation. You are destroying the relic terraformers for its construction.
Z.E.V.S. Operator
I know. I`m not thrilled on the idea either, but Utopia lacks the resources necessary for this mankind`s key project.
I`m sure, when designing the project, Adam Cruise didn`t intend to use the terraformers as the source of the construction materials.
He was a good scientist and understood the relics importance for the planet. I`m sure, there are other ways to complete the construction.
Z.E.V.S. Operator
Adam Cruise was rich in time! Everything is different now. Mankind is on the brink of extinction. And the Z.E.V.S. is our chance to survive!
It will help us to destroy the Dominators. This is real! And the obelisks importance is questionable.
The Black Legion is the last defense line containing the Dominators – and now that`s us who are responsible for the future of the whole mankind.
And if it`s necessary to destroy all the terraformers for the survival, we will do it without hesitation.
You`re mistaken. Having destroyed the obelisks, you`ll eliminate mankind faster than the Dominators.
I won`t let you do it. I`ll save the terraformers and find another way to defeat the Dominion.
<<< Black Legion Base (Main Story)
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Nice history 😀