A powerful  Incendiary Grenade in your pocket, among other Ammunition, can be a big surprise for unarmored enemy in the Evolution: Battle for Utopia game.

Incendiary and Stasis Grenades, Available in the Game

Incendiary and Stasis Grenades Summary Table

Name Unlocked By Research Cost (Time) Cost Reduction Requirement Reduced Research Cost (Time) Construction Cost (Time) Damage
G-1 Incendiary Robbing Itinerant Merchant (1st Time) 400Crystallite, 25Data Disks, 800Steel (00:45:00) G-2 Frag Grenades Used (10) 320Crystallite, 20Data Disks, 640Steel (00:36:00) 35Biofuel, 7Crystallite, 70Steel (00:00:36) Same as G-1 Frag Grenade plus extra 30% delayed damage for Unarmored enemies. No damage to Armored targets.
G-2 Incendiary Available only via Smuggler’s Offers (“Nuclear Mole” game) – n/a – – n/a – – n/a – Can’t produce by yourself Same as G-2 Frag Grenade plus extra 30% delayed damage for Unarmored enemies. No damage to Armored targets.
G-3 Incendiary Available only via Smuggler’s Offers (“Nuclear Mole” game) – n/a – – n/a – – n/a – Can’t produce by yourself Same as G-3 Frag Grenade plus extra 30% delayed damage for Unarmored enemies. No damage to Armored targets.
G-1 Incendiary Kit Robbing Itinerant Merchant (2nd Time) 350Gems (01:00:00) G-1 Incendiary Grenades Used (10) 280Gems (00:48:00) 147Biofuel, 30Crystallite, 294Steel (00:02:31) Refer to G-1 Incendiary Grenade
Stasis Got 1 from Story-line.
Itinerant Merchant purchase: 1 for 500Biofuel. Gem Purchase: 3 for 149 Gems (from 25+Player's Level). Technology of producing is in the Core location, first hack
1500Crystallite, 35Data Disks, 2000Steel (02:00:00) Grenades Caught in Battle (20) 1200Crystallite, 28Data Disks, 1600Steel (01:36:00) 300Biofuel, 200Crystallite, 600Steel (00:20:00) No damage but freezes enemy for 10 secs.



Incendiary Damage – Incendiary Damage. Excellent for unarmored targets (130% damage), but totally useless for armored (0%). This type of damage have 2 of 9 grenades in the game.

Each Grenade Kit, contains of 6 pieces (but each Medpack Kit – 8).

For the maximum damage throw grenades to the enemy in the center. Due to explosion damage will caused to all (three) enemies on the battle field.

All grenade types share a cool-down timer, which prevents the use of another grenade for 20 seconds after one has been used.

To keep some valuable Stasis and G-3 incendiary grenades you have during easy combats, you can tap on them in your profile screen and don’t take them to those battles.

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17 Responses to Incendiary and Stasis Grenades

  1. hello93 ( Staff Sergeant Staff Sergeant Player's Rank 38 )

    There grenades are strong 😮

  2. omero ( Warrant Officer Warrant Officer Player's Rank 68 )

    I really don’t get the point why Incendiary grenades are worthless vs. armored targets…
    Just assuming “hard” material shell encasing a “flesh” wearer, it’s like turning up an hoven an bake whatever it’s inside.

    • HelloShitty ( Lieutenant Colonel Lieutenant Colonel Player's Rank 294 )

      I also think there is a lack of balance between Acid, Incendiary and Energy damage, regarding either to grenades and weapons!

      I think that if Acid inflicts 100% to regular enemies and 130% to Armored enemies, Incendiary should do the other way around, meaning that Incendiary should inflict 100% to Armored and 130% to regular. But that’s not the case:

      Flesh – 100%
      Armored – 130%

      Flesh – 130%
      Armored – 0% <— There is a gap here.

  3. psb ( Sublieutenant Sublieutenant Player's Rank 104 )

    by normal sense… metal doesnt burn like flesh, so there should be reduced damage… the armor will protect some of the damage… so it cannot, rather should not deal 100% to armored, but yes. the whole idea of incendiary dealing zero damage is absurd, it should be reduced but certainly not zero… this makes the incendiary grenades largely useless later…

    i cant understand why energy damage should be reduced to 50% against armored … does somebody have an explanation ??

    • HelloShitty ( Lieutenant Colonel Lieutenant Colonel Player's Rank 294 )

      My common sense says otherwise regarding Incendiary and armored targets. If you get on fire while inside an iron made armor, basically you’re trapping the heat inside the armor. Anyway, this is just a game, so anything can happen that our imagination wants.

  4. psb ( Sublieutenant Sublieutenant Player's Rank 104 )

    that is only if the fire can reach you past that armor…in films lyk terminator i have seen armored things get past fire easily, as they are covered fully … anyways.. i dont use incendiary so i cant complain… but it would make researching the dragon 2 pistol a lot more logical in the game if they added around atleast 50% damage to armored…

  5. omero ( Warrant Officer Warrant Officer Player's Rank 68 )

    Yep, it’s Incendiary grenades doing 0 damage vs. armored that’s disturbing even in a Sci-Fi world with its own techs and whatnot.
    Some amount of damage should be done, even solely on the assumption that grenades are “explosive” by definition, thus causing some sort of “shock wave” in the area they “explode”… And Incendiary frags are soo expensive. Why make them less than usefull?

  6. psb ( Sublieutenant Sublieutenant Player's Rank 104 )

    acid grenades are definitely more useful… but later in the game… you will find that both are quite useless…as u will be surprised to see how little damage they do in dominion territory… throw g1 acid or incendiary to a synthetic and he will just laugh all day…

    the best things to use them will be xi creatures i think…

  7. SunSidTDM ( Lieutenant-Commander Lieutenant-Commander Player's Rank 166 )

    Are stasis grenades overpowered? They have no cool-down timer…

  8. psb ( Sublieutenant Sublieutenant Player's Rank 104 )

    what do you mean by overpowered ??

    • SunSidTDM ( Lieutenant-Commander Lieutenant-Commander Player's Rank 166 )

      If you throw 6 stasis grenades you will be invincible for 60 sec, right?

  9. psb ( Sublieutenant Sublieutenant Player's Rank 104 )

    stasisi frenades do not make one invincible, though it would almost have the same effect i think…but i honestly dont think there is even 1 battle where you need to use 6 stasis grenades !!

  10. psb ( Sublieutenant Sublieutenant Player's Rank 104 )

    one would be incredibly lucky to get stais grenade from merchant the merchant gives it at a very low price… i finished the game and not even once got it from him…

  11. SunSidTDM ( Lieutenant-Commander Lieutenant-Commander Player's Rank 166 )

    Wow one stasis grenade is more expensive than a phoenix missile launch!

  12. myzrael ( Warrant Officer Warrant Officer Player's Rank 71 )

    is there any G-4 Grenade, if so, how powerful are they?

  13. Myzrael ( Warrant Officer Warrant Officer Player's Rank 71 )

    This is wierd, on My ord accountedge wich was lvl 77, i only found statis shield lvl 1, When i did chariot of change, i got both statis lvl 1 and 2 , Will see IF there is any statis shield lvl 3

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