Maximus Turret
The Maximus is one of the many Turrets in the Evolution: Battle for Utopia game.
In addition to the two eight barreled heavy machine guns has a rail-gun shot from which rips to shreds any armor
Previous turret: Black Hydra
Unlocked By: Discover Technology at “Tactics and Strategy” for 2 000
Research Cost (Time): 2000, 40
, 2000
Cost Reduction Requirement: Tanks destroyed (6)
Reduced Research Cost (Time): 1600, 32
, 1600
Increases Base Defense by: 450 (+50)
Construction Cost (Time): 5000, 2200
, 2200
Hitpoints in PvP: 44 505
Features: After the death of Maximus Turret from it’s debris 3 armored Black Legion’s Mini Boombirds appear with 1104 health points each.
Walkthrough guide for this turret: Here
Next turret: Dominion
Maximus Turret
Maximus Turret Construction Complete Image
Maximus Turret Concept Art
Maximus Turret Rendering
Black Legion’s Mini Boombirds from the Maximus Turret’s Debris
Battle Against Maximus Turret
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