Regular Attacks

The Regular Attacks is one of the many features of the Player versus Player game mode in the Evolution: Battle for Utopia.


Selecting one of the red markers in the Archipelago will start the battle. The battle consists of you and your current partner, against the opposing player and his/her best two partners (as determined by the game). The game selects the best weapon in the opposing player’s inventory (usually a Machine Gun).

You must kill the opposing player and their two partners in order to win. By winning, you earn 30 Ranking Points as well as the resources listed on the pre attack screen. If you lose, you lose 7 Ranking Points.

If you were detected by the other player defense system, you will have to deal with one of their turrets at the beginning of the battle.

If you’ve made a Reconnaissance, you can view the opponent’s detailed information before battle.

PvP Attack Loading Screen

PvP Attack Loading Screen


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9 Responses to Regular Attacks

  1. Гудвин ( Captain Captain Player's Rank 198 )

    HelloShitty, that’s an answer for your comment in Acid Pistol theme.

    Maximus leaving three Black Legion Boombird after his death. It’s not difficult to kill two of them and just wait when you’ll be ready to meet the Commandor.

    Black Hydras are fat and strong anougth to make a problems for the opponent, and they don’t give a chance to take the moment before Commandor coming out.

    What about me, I’m not planning to upgrade turrets now. And you may see what I mean about defense with Hydras on high levels on the screenshot.

    • Гудвин ( Captain Captain Player's Rank 198 )

      Sh.. I forgot the screenshot )
      It’s in russian but you may see the defence result with Hyrda and without it.


  2. HelloShitty ( Lieutenant Colonel Lieutenant Colonel Player's Rank 294 )

    Ok, but that comparison you are making, with and without turrets, means what? What are you trying to say? I’m sorry, I didn’t got the point!

    • Гудвин ( Captain Captain Player's Rank 198 )

      I’m trying to say that there’s no really reason to have turrets on high levels, starting from the point when you take good armored armour and heavy gun (like Moloh machine gun or Acid Cannon).
      You just have to understand there’s a tactics against any enemy, with any type or turret, and maybe the building of turrets will be just an expansive costs with no guarrantied result of successfully defense.

      When you lose in defense, you pay just 5 ratings points. It’s a really low price for (may be) weeks for resource collecting to build a 6 Maximuses or Dominion turrets. And with Maximus you still can’t be sure in result.
      In other way, you just need to win PVP attacks to encrease your rating. As for me, it’s much more interesting.

      I hope now you understand me. But anyway, it is your choice how to play and what abilityes of the game to use.

      • HelloShitty ( Lieutenant Colonel Lieutenant Colonel Player's Rank 294 )

        Ah ok… I got it now. I’m sorry I was not understanding!

        Anyway at level 33, I’m probably at 1/3 of the game, maybe, so maybe Black Hydras are yet a good addition to my defences. And only one is missing now, so I’ll build it.

        And also, when I started playing the game, I didn’t realised that we could skip a few locations and seek for the best items to unlock first. This would have been a good strategy at the early game because if I knew about this, probably I would have skipped a few locations and would have focused in most important items to unlock. I say this because I can see a lot of players that are way more strong than me and in earlier levels.

      • Гудвин ( Captain Captain Player's Rank 198 )

        That way is good when you go throu the game at the second time. But for the first time you just risking to lose interesting feelings of the story.
        Going throu the game, opening each location and collecting all the things is a good way.
        Really, level is not so important.

        The only advantage to have minimal level is that terrorists are weak for you and you can easily collect resources.
        But you cannot buy good premium guns or hire partners as Rebecca’s deals related with player’s level.
        Also, with each level you get increment to grenade’s damage.
        So no one can tell, what’s the best way.

  3. HelloShitty ( Lieutenant Colonel Lieutenant Colonel Player's Rank 294 )

    Indeed, you’re also right…

    Almost all items I have are at maximum capabilities. And that was my goal. To upgrade everything that was worth of it advancing in the game! By now, I’m just upgrading Stasis Shot (Level 2) and Regeneration Level 4! Also want to “reserve”, at least 2000 skill points for “emergencies”. I have 2502 so far. So I need at least 1000 more skill points to research Stasis and Regenration to the highest I can at level 33! And I know that at Level 35 more levels will unlock, but I’ll how things go till then! :)

    • DmZ ( Sergeant Sergeant Player's Rank 27 )

      I’m in the same boat as you. I just recently took the plunge to pass level 34, but really wish I had known about skipping areas (or at least not completing them to terraformation) before I got so far. I feel like I kind of learned it early enough (pretty much stopped completing areas after the iron and magmatite mine areas). Struggling to make a push to get the UFO pistol now though and finding it challenging. Problem I’m having is that anyone with armor in pvp is pretty much untouchable for me, but even with black hydra turrets I’m still getting destroyed by people in pvp once I hit rank 3700.

      • HelloShitty ( Lieutenant Colonel Lieutenant Colonel Player's Rank 294 )

        You already have 3700 PvP points? That’s great. I only have 2100 but my Archipelago is pretty much unfair to me because I’m fighting Spartan Armor sometimes and a lot of Hydras and also high level Roxy which is hard to take down. The Archipelago should be more balanced.

        Regarding weapons, my next goal is also UFO but also Pegasus, fully upgraded of corse… But I’ll be around level 45,probably…

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