The Dominator is one of the bosses in the Evolution: Battle for Utopia game. Despite their size…

Location: Random (appears via Dominator Intrusion encounter)

Can’t be attacked by the ordinary way

Dominator’s Concept Art

Dominator Concept Art

Dominator’s Rendering

Dominator Rendering
Dominator Rendering 2


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6 Responses to Dominator Boss

  1. Ricardo Acuña e ( Private Private Player's Rank 1 )

    se. Puede recibir la ayuda en español

    • alexey86 ( Captain Captain Player's Rank 209 )

      Añadir al sitio en español?

      • HelloShitty ( Lieutenant Colonel Lieutenant Colonel Player's Rank 294 )

        If you have html knowledge and experience with building sites, maybe our administrator is willing to give it a try if it worth. I mean, is there much of interest to have the site in Spanish?

  2. SunSidTDM ( Lieutenant-Commander Lieutenant-Commander Player's Rank 166 )

    Can’t be attacked the ordinary way!?

  3. Dave ( Private Private Player's Rank 1 )

    Successfull hacking will give you stasis shield item.

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