Swamps Location
The Swamps is one of the many Story-line locations in the Evolution: Battle for Utopia game.
Swamps is a secondary story-line location.
Previous story-line location: MOROSE Crash Site
Unlock requirement: Win 5 battles with health stolen > 180 or 200 (each successful battle reduces the price by 40
Difficulty: 3/7
Total enemies: 25
Boss: Hand Of Xi (Brother Thorius)
Story of this location: Here
Walkthrough of this location: Here
Rewards: Juggernaut Machine Gun, G-1 Acid Grenade, G-1 Acid Kit, Partner Rico, 43
Commander’s Log: Chapters 24-25
Terraforming price: 1 500
Side story tasks on location
- Explore the Swamps sector and find out more about the cult of Xi
- Defeat The Hand of Xi in the Swamps sector
- Terraform the Swamps sector to find out more about the force controlling the cultists
Next story-line location: Citadel
Swamps Location on the Globe
Swamps Location Unlock Requirement
Initial View of Swamps Location
The First (Old) Version Initial View of the Swamps Location
Swamps Location View After Terraforming
The First (Old) Version of the Swamps Location View After Terraforming
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Any tips on how to get the swamp easily im stuck on the target thing havent got one
Can you be more specific? Which target?
First one type is score 180 health with psi strike
I’m sorry but I’m not understanding you. Do you mean any of Swamps enemy? Hack? Boss?
so u mean u want to unlock the swamps location without using gems… its not that tough… you should preferably do terror level missions 2 or above… if your psi strike is above level 2… it shouldnt be hard… sometimes u may get the chance to use it twice in the same battle…
do u have the visor??… if yes , then its very easy… if no… then dont sweat it… use the strike when its full and ur enemies have approx 1/4 – 1/5 health remaining…
May I know how to unlock this location?
I got citadel and relic but not swamps
Thank you
Look for the first corpse in the Morose crash site, it leads to this location.
Thanks @SunSidTDM but i have already teraformed that and now there are no corpses
Is there anything else i can do?
Also May I know which MG’s are worthy of fully upgrading?
Since you terraformed the Morose crash site and there is no corpse left I really don’t know how you can unlock this location, maybe you should send an email to the support. https://support.my.com/games/kb/Evo/
Thanks @SunSidTDM,
I have sent a ticket to My.com about this. Now lets see what they will answer. Hope so they will unlock it for me
Hey @SunSidTDM ,
I contacted the support and they said that swamp is unlocked in Relic location.
Is it true or is it found in moarse crash site?
Oh I’m really sorry, I thought you wanted to unlock the relic location, to unlock this location you have to beat the boss of the relic location first so the support is right. More info here: http://evo-wiki.com/tactics-strategy/walkthrough/relic-walkthrough/