Incubator Story
The story of Incubator location is part of a larger Story Line in the Evolution: Battle for Utopia game.
General information about the Incubator location is Here, and walkthrough guide is Here.

We`ve nearly reached our destination, Commander. This sector is just a short way from where our ship was downed.
We are in the very heart of the Dominion domain… I doubt that any living man has ever set foot here…
Well, I used to think that Fido was the only cyberdog here on Utopia! And it turns out that the Dominion has its own pack.
As for me, they are nothing like a dog. Where did you see one with a scorpion tail equipped with an in-built gun on top?
Fido, what do you think?
It`s hard to say. But I`d like to have such a tail for sure!
Commander, I`ve studied the local infrastructure and concluded that this is the place where the Dominion produces its Synthetics.
Under our feet, there are thousands of sarcophaguses, where the human bodies are going through the modifications.
Thousands? We`ll never defeat such an army!
Fortunately, they are inactive… That is to say, sleeping.
Looks like their time hasn`t come yet. The Dominion is preparing this army of Synthetics for some other purpose.
But what for?
Remember the pyramid beacon. Maybe this Synthetic army is not for Utopia…
* * * switching to a ciphered communication channel * * *
#(the message is ciphered)# 7212 88 00 1531 5654 6932 7927 88 2221 6297
#(the message is ciphered)# 3235 6915 0628 9621 2333 4030 59593 5633 9595 6332 0033 00
#(the message is ciphered)# 8280 0233 6823 9623 9600 2356 9836 8239 34 84 27 8922 8933 2392 4327 3523 1281 3281 2332 9426 3232
#(the message is ciphered)# 9346 2346 9432 4464 32 00
#(the message is ciphered)# 8866 9590 8889 59593933 0500 92 85 0500 9621 6932 7212 88 90 3299 7211 8222
#(the message is ciphered)# 3264 4389 0945 88

Greetings to you, new Hegemon.
Another talking Synthetic…
Who are you?
I am Hegemon-04. And you will become Hegemon-05.
What a strange idea…
It`s not my idea. It`s the decision of the Dominion. But I have no objections.
Hmm… Yes, the Dominion said something about this Hegemon after the fight with Kurbatov.
Has the Dominion spoken with you?
He has once. Why do you ask?
The Dominion speaks only with its Tyrants. It discusses nothing with humans or even me. I only receive its orders.
And what were you talking about, human?
It`s an old story. But I`ll try to remember something if you explain me what that Hegemon is and why the Dominion wants me to become one.
Hegemon is the highest authority that controls the Dominion army.
What? Does it really want its Dominators to be controlled by a human?
Yes and no. It won`t let you stay a human. You will be digitized and turned into a Synthetic like me.
You will obey its orders, but you`ll retain your human nature.
Why so much trouble? The Dominion could control the army directly, right?
Right. But the Dominion is convinced that a human is the most warlike, cunning and cruel creature in the world.
For thousands of years, humans have been killing, plundering, conquering and dominating. The whole history of mankind is an endless series of wars.
Humans love war so much that go to it over and over, despite all the victims of the previous confrontations.
If there are no enemies, humans will find them nearby. Or, if it`s necessary, create. People are ready to destroy their own nation for the sake of fighting and making war.
The Dominion believes that only a human can fight better than a human.
That`s why the Dominion has created the Hegemon, a half-human, half-dominator creature, to command its army and destroy all its enemies.
You will become a new incarnation of the Hegemon, Hegemon-05. You will lead the Dominion to the victory.

Wait. You are the fourth Hegemon. And what has happened to the other three?
There are no other Hegemons. Only me. Three times I died and was reconstructed.
Did you die when fighting the Black Legion?
No, it was self-destruction. I couldn`t accept the role of the Hegemon.
What? You`ve tried to kill yourself three times!?
I kept trying to destroy myself, until the Dominion upgraded my protocol and excluded such a possibility.
But why didn`t the Dominion choose another man to become the Hegemon? Kurbatov? Kingspin? Or some other bandit? Why is it holding onto you like that?
Maybe because I used to be the smartest man on Earth who created the Dominion.
So you are the Adam Cruise? The creator of the Dominion? Unbelievable…
I was sure you died at the very start of the disaster, when you had given the order for your computer to destroy all people.
Yes. But it doesn`t matter anymore. The only important thing is who you are and why the Dominion has chosen you.
The Dominion is convinced that you`ve surpassed me – that`s why it decided to make you the new Hegemon.
I have answered your question. Now I`m waiting for your answer. What did the Dominion tell you?
It was surprised that I had managed to defeat General Kurbatov without much of help.
Surprised… Impossible.
However, it explains a lot.
You are a born warrior. And for the Dominion, you are the evidence of his conclusions about the key connection between war and human nature.
You are the embodiment of war. The one who can fight like no other and win when others give up.
You are really a perfect Hegemon! Now I understand. The Dominion is right. You will lead it to the victory.
And what now?
Both of us will fulfill their purpose. Death awaits me and you, though it will bring a rebirth to you and peace to me.
The sooner you`ll become the Hegemon, the sooner I`ll be free.
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