The Weapon decides who is right in any situation in the Evolution: Battle for Utopia game.

Weapons, Availiable in the Game

General information

The Rate of Fire in descending order: Machine Guns -> Assault Rifles -> Pistols -> Shotguns

The Reload Time in ascending order: Machine Guns/Shotguns -> Pistols/Assault Rifles


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41 Responses to Weapons

  1. Dean ( Private Private Player's Rank 4 )

    Hello, i have a question. What happens if i dismantle a weapon? Does it disappear from my inventory or only the upgrades are removed ? Thanks

    • s_e_s_h ( Lieutenant General Lieutenant General Player's Rank 527 )

      It will disappear and you’ll lose it forever (can’t rebuild again)
      So dismantle wisely 😉

      • Dean ( Private Private Player's Rank 4 )

        That’s bad, i’m trying to collect all weapons and armor and partners. With the new update getting skill points is really hard. Thanks for the fast reply.

      • s_e_s_h ( Lieutenant General Lieutenant General Player's Rank 527 )

        I’m also trying to do so… :)
        Glad to help! Fееl free to ask whatever you need! :)

  2. Skroder ( Private Private Player's Rank 1 )

    Is there any part of the Wiki explaining about damage types? E.g. incendiary, energy, acid? Thanks!

  3. crappity ( Private Private Player's Rank 4 )

    Is there some sort of trick to getting the 20% bonus when reloading?

    It seems like I have to tap on a particular area of the screen in order for my touch to even register. I can usually hit it just fine while standing but I can’t get the bonus while crouching behind the shield. Any tips?

  4. psb ( Sublieutenant Sublieutenant Player's Rank 104 )

    for getting the 20% bonus, while reloading the pistol, observe the reload bar… there is a white horizontal line and a vertical small line cutting it at 90 degree, a reload slider moves across the bar… … to get 20% extra damage.. u just have to tap it while the reload slider reaches the vertical bar…

  5. HelloShitty ( Lieutenant Colonel Lieutenant Colonel Player's Rank 294 )

    Which you guys think it’s better to purchase:

    Acid Cannon or Dominion MG?

    • Sugarman ( Sergeant Sergeant Player's Rank 31 )

      On the facebook page someone said that AC is enough and the DMG is not worth it ( I guess it’s 2500 gems). Dont know, not there yet even for the AC.

  6. psb ( Private Private Player's Rank 3 )

    acid cannon is better dan dominion mg, when fully upgraded… acic cannon is not much of a weapon without upgrade… slow fire rate… small magazine… so wen doing the acid cannon… make sure u do all the upgrades fully…

  7. Darrin ( Private Private Player's Rank 2 )

    Where do I get energy ammunition?

    • SunSidTDM ( Lieutenant-Commander Lieutenant-Commander Player's Rank 166 )

      What do you mean? Energy weapons?

      • Samsi ( Private Private Player's Rank 1 )

        If i buy energy assult rifle or machine gune, do i need to buy energy ammunition or its infinitive (like energy pistol)?

      • SunSidTDM ( Lieutenant-Commander Lieutenant-Commander Player's Rank 166 )

        Energy ammunition (cartridge) doesn’t exist, if you buy an energy assault rifle or a machine gun then you need assault rifle or machine gun cartridges.

  8. Darrin ( Private Private Player's Rank 2 )

    I bought the megaphone MG but where do I get ammo for it?

  9. Mike ( Private Private Player's Rank 1 )

    I’m on android and can’t figure out for the life of me how to dismantle a weapon. Where’s this option at?

    • s_e_s_h ( Lieutenant General Lieutenant General Player's Rank 527 )

      First, you have to fully upgrade one of the three main options – damage, magazine size or crit. chance…

      Once you’ve done it – you’ll be able to dismantle this weapon…

      Full dismantle reward is for fully upgraded weapon only!

  10. eLniami ( Private Private Player's Rank 1 )

    Can’t I purchase Puma Shotgun if I’m already lv 29?

  11. deepspace ( Private First Class Private First Class Player's Rank 9 )

    Is it worth buying Kurbatov’s pistol ? or Dominion Pistol is enough.
    I will have enough gems to buy either Kurbatov’s Pistol or Dominion MG.
    I will have to make a decision. :(

    • SunSidTDM ( Lieutenant-Commander Lieutenant-Commander Player's Rank 166 )

      I made the choice to buy only Kurbatov’s pistol then with the time I had enough gems to buy Dominion MG so I bought it, but I don’t use it often I use the Acid canon instead, the ammo are cheaper but the Dominion MG is very good for defending in pvp. :)
      /!\ If you level up 73 the Dominion MG and Kurbatov’s pistol offers will expire and won’t show up again.

      • deepspace ( Private First Class Private First Class Player's Rank 9 )

        I bought Kurbatov”s pistol finally :)
        Let’s see if I get enough gems for MG.

    • Nexus ( Corporal Corporal Player's Rank 12 )

      Yeah, on any Smugglers Offer there is a medium & maximum level for the offers to show up, even if the timer expires it’ll just show up again. You can view the level ranges on the item you want on there page.

      Hope this this information was useful instead of confusing.

      • Blitz03 ( Private Private Player's Rank 1 )

        Who is better roxy,spidey or rico?

      • SunSidTDM ( Lieutenant-Commander Lieutenant-Commander Player's Rank 166 )

        @Blitz03: If you have an energy or acid weapon then Roxy is better, otherwise if you can’t damage armored ennemies I suggest you to use Rico and don’t buy Spidey, save gems for later (kurbatov’s pistol or Dominion machine gun).

  12. MadMax ( Private Private Player's Rank 5 )

    I saw someone who can increase dmg of UFO pistol to 1000dmg/hit. I mean normally hit, non crit. How come? I cant reach 700dmg with critical shooting. Do u have any advice?

  13. Myzrael ( Warrant Officer Warrant Officer Player's Rank 71 )

    You need to squizze your biceps harder lol, have you researched in Reconnaissance center, so you get 15% more dmg? I have done 700+ with Pegasus pistol with critical shot, so you should be able to do more, i guess

    • MadMax ( Private Private Player's Rank 5 )

      Thank bro. My “increase dmg mode” now is 20% but still too weak. I duno reason. Maybe something wrong

      • Myzrael ( Warrant Officer Warrant Officer Player's Rank 71 )

        You can incrase your dmg with attack mode with 20%, but you can get 15% more from Reconnaissance center for specific creature. So overall you can get 35% more damage

    • MadMax ( Private Private Player's Rank 5 )

      Thank bro. I just think that center for summoning the beasts were defeated only. Haha. Thank bro, again

  14. Myzrael ( Warrant Officer Warrant Officer Player's Rank 71 )

    Could someone please tell me wich weapons can be upgraded with gems?

    • Daniel ( Private Private Player's Rank 4 )


    • jdr1078 ( Private Private Player's Rank 3 )

      When I bought the Megathrone pistol, early in the game, I got a special smuggler’s offer to fully upgrade it with some gems. I haven’t had that option anymore for any other weapons. It would have been nice if one could have a faster way of fully upgrading any weapon in the game though.

  15. dryphi ( Corporal Corporal Player's Rank 12 )

    Can anyone recommend a weapon upgrade order? I’m only at level 20 and I have the acid pistol. Are there some weapons I should focus on and others I can ignore? Thanks

  16. James ( Private Private Player's Rank 1 )

    Howdy! This article could not be written any better! Looking at this post reminds me of my previous roommate! He constantly kept preaching about this. I’ll send this information to him. Fairly certain he’s going to have a good read. Thanks for sharing!

  17. Alif ( Private Private Player's Rank 1 )

    I know this si a bit irrelevant but whats the best way to get recsources(not buying them)?

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