Bombers’ Queen
The Bombers’ Queen is one of the bosses in the Evolution: Battle for Utopia game.
Location: Crystallite Deposit, bottom left corner of the location
Health: 40 000
Weapon: Grenades, Acid Spits
Strengths: Throws 3 grenades per time, Can summon an infinite number of Bombers and Acid bombers, when there is low health is coming closer and explodes, dealing massive damage, spitting acid with a strength equivalent rail-gun of Maximus Turret
Weaknesses: Unarmored
The guards:
, 1)
, 3)
- Bomber’s Queen him self, summons:
(infinite, by 2 per time)
, 2)
Link to the Walkthrough Guide: Here
Victory Rewards: 60, Acid Shotgun
, Random Resources
Commander’s Log: Chapter 39
Also occurs in: Level 4 Terror missions and Home Base Attacks (at the high player’s levels – 50+)
Bombers’ Queen at the Location
Bombers’ Queens Concept Art (First Version)
Bombers’ Queens Concept Art (Final Version)
Bombers’ Queens Rendering
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chosen by xi armor is the best armor to kill the bomber queen in terror level 4… in fact it can be done without even a single extra ammo spending (which is almost impossible in terror level 4)… just fire at it with your pistol… taking care that its spit hits you in the shield… then just let it come to you and blast… it will get killed while you get regenerated for free! works all the time…
Great tip, thanks. I was having a hard time with that thing using the normal armour. It always blew me away. But I just recently got the Xi.
This is the easiest level 4 terror without using any resources. Simply upgrade dominion to full and aim shot when bomber queen tries to close distance. That will reset her timer and give you enough time to finish her off without using ammo.
Is there any Chosen one in that lvl 4 Terror?
No. Just the Queen and a few bombers.
Chosen One is another terror mission.
You need 2 Psi strikes to finish the Chosen One terror level 4,and preferably a shotgun.
I just had these lvl 4 terror (bomber queen and chosen one) yesterday and I only saw 1 Chosen One so I only used 1 psi strike so why did you say that 2 psi strikes are needed ?
For up to level 60 (or somewhere around), the Chosen One terror mission only shows 1. For 60+, it shows two. It takes some practice to time your damage and Psi strikes.
Ok thanks for the info
I have fought 4 choosen one before the queen comes with 4 boomber and then I saw two choosen after her. what’s is wrong with my game.
These walkthrough videos can help