Terminator Operation
The Terminator is one of the many Operations in the Evolution: Battle for Utopia game.
The Black Legion Laboratory is bringing dead soldiers back to life by transplanting their brains into the metal bodies of the “Terminator” robots. Destroy the Laboratory and all the Terminators to stop the hellish experiments with the dead.
Previous Operation: Boombird
Available from Player’s Level: 47
Distance: 1580 km
Minimum Helicopter to Reach: Dragon
Difficulty: 5/7
Features of operation: Terminators, Mammoth Tank
, Maximus Turret
Respawn: Every 17 hours
Total enemies: 58 (in 6 Waves)
Total Skill Points award for all tasks: 7 700
Max. Skill Points for “after” walk-through: 57
Walkthrough guide for this operation: Here
Next Operation: Equalizer
The Terminator Operation Appearance

Commander, in the Legion Base area we found the reports of a laboratory working on very strange things…
They are bringing dead soldiers back to life by transplanting their brains into so-called “Terminators”…
Oh my god…
…And thus making them fight against the Dominion even after their death.
We have to stop these hellish experiments!!! Most of the Legion soldiers didn’t want this war even when alive! They were just kidnapped, crippled, depersonalized and forced to fight.
These poor people died because of that bastard Kurbatov, and haven’t got peace yet. We must stop this!
I’ll agree. Kurbatov has gone too far in his war… Fighting against the dominators he hasn’t noticed that he himself has become the main Dominator.
We shall destroy the laboratory and all the Terminators and let the dead rest in peace.

To pass through this special operation you will need the weapon against armored targets.
Remember the composition of the enemies in each wave.
Use the Aimed Shots versus most “healthy” enemies.
Not recommended to “after” walk-through (hard enemies).
Tasks Table
Enemies Table
Terminator Operation on the Globe
Terminator Operation in Progress
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can somebody tell me how to defeat the terminator with minimial damage… i have been able to go to wave 5 , after that a terminator, supersoldier and commander come up… they finish me in no time at all… worse, the teminator and the supersoldier fire alternately, this gives me no chance to take anyone…lastly the commander enhances their damage…
The best way for killing a Terminator is using a energy pistol (UFO or Dominion), the Acid Shotgun, Matryoska (high level) as partner and G-2 Medpack and grenades. Also G-1 Acid grenades are good. I recommend you using the Aimed shot just before it start shooting to interrupt and the acid shotgun as soon as it comes closer.
Also Psi-strike if you think is necessary, of course.
Good luck
Lol I think your answer is too late, psb has already defeated Dominion so he should have finished this operation too.
Still helpful though for other people. I’m having trouble with the first Terminator in the Defense Line base. I have UFO pistol fully upgraded but don’t have Matryoska or Acid Shotgun yet.