Dominator Intrusion

Dominator Intrusion is one of the many Random Encounters in the Evolution: Battle for Utopia game.

Human, this is Dominion speaking to you. Our current objectives do not include your elimination. This researcher has been sent to study the phenomenon of terraforming. Right now this is more important than your extermination. You don’t have the full picture of what is happening, so do not interfere.

Dominators randomly show up only on terraformed lands. You can choose to fight them with “Phoenix” missile or “Hack” them for 2Data Disk playing a memory game.

Once they show up you have 15 mins to complete the mission before it vanishes.

They give 120-140Crystallite, a 1Gems and after the first success attack research data for Stasis shield technology.

Dominator’s hack – currently the most hard in the game (5 consecutive dominion symbols to remember).

For the successful hacking of Dominator you may use our recommendations

There can be only one Dominator on the planet at the same time.

Dominator’s Intrusion on the Globe

Dominator's Intrusion on the Globe

Dominator at Location

Dominator at Location

Dominator Mission

Dominator Mission

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8 Responses to Dominator Intrusion

  1. Riptide ( Private First Class Private First Class Player's Rank 7 )

    Do these intrusions stop once you eliminate either Kurbatov or the Tyrant Dominator boss?

    • s_e_s_h ( Lieutenant General Lieutenant General Player's Rank 527 )

      No :) Main boss in “Legacy” game update is Dominion…
      But random encounters did’t depend on story-line

      • Riptide ( Private First Class Private First Class Player's Rank 7 )

        Thanks! Out of coincidence, I haven’t come across any Dominator intrusions since the update

      • s_e_s_h ( Lieutenant General Lieutenant General Player's Rank 527 )

        Its quite wierd :) I am on level 31st and had got intrusions many times since update

    • Bercerk ( Commander in Chief Commander in Chief Player's Rank 1098 )

      I’ve noticed the same. After level 58 I intruded the Dominion areas and arfer this dominator intrusions disappeared

  2. SunSidTDM ( Lieutenant-Commander Lieutenant-Commander Player's Rank 166 )

    I’m level 67 and I haven’t see Dominators for a long time…

  3. We are a too late for me I have too ( Private Private Player's Rank 3 )

    Left behind the store phone is off so we are a little bit more than the store and I

  4. Super march ( Private First Class Private First Class Player's Rank 10 )

    Probably paper and pen is suggested if your disc is not enough but no need if you manage to memorize those. Hack this one is more suggested than using a missle. Overlord better missle hit.

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