Black Legion Base Story
The story of Black Legion Base location is part of a larger Story Line in the Evolution: Battle for Utopia game.
General information about the Black Legion Base location is Here, and walkthrough guide is Here.
<<< Black Legion Checkpoint (Main Story)
Commander, our route runs too close to the Black Legion Base. It`s a real well-guarded fortress. I can look for an alternative track.
If we want to clear up who is downing ships from Earth, we can`t do without the information held by the Legion.
What is more, they apparently own the technologies we may need.
General Kurbatov won`t give any information or technologies without a fight. So we can`t avoid the battle.
General, beg to report! Two hostiles are spotted at the gates. That`s the enemy the Checkpoint have reported about. Waiting for your orders.
Stand by for action! Fire for effect, take no prisoners – the enemy is very dangerous.
The priority is to defend the storage. The information there is of strategic importance. It shall not be unsealed.
Storm Trooper
General, beg to report! The enemy has penetrated the Base area. We`re suffering heavy losses.
Request permission to strengthen the defense with a reserve medical unit assigned for the deployment to the Defense Line.
Storm Trooper
Yes, sir! Will comply!

And who is that? The uniform isn’t of a military style and I see no weapons. Only that thing on her back…
Judging by a red cross, she`s a paramedic. But that container on her back seems weird. I’d doubt there’s a first-aid kit in it.
Hm… This thing resembles an ultraparticle-pulsed generator.
Such power equipment is used for weather control. But how is it related to medical care?
These generators may be potentially used for the remote stimulation of human tissue regeneration. That is to say, wounds may be healed in no time.
However, to that effect, a special emulsion should constantly circulate in the recipient`s blood.
I`ve heard of such experiments, but they ended badly.
When used for 2-3 years, the emulsion evidently caused visceral dysfunctions. The experiment was stopped as dangerous to the volunteers` lives.
Kurbatov may have succeeded in making the technology safe. Or has accepted that in a couple of years all these people would die – one way or another.
General, beg to report! The enemy is advancing. His combat potential is very high.
Cannot hold, need assistance. Request permission to use the Terminator protocol.
Negative. I need the Terminators at the Defense Line. It seems like Dominion has come to know about the Z.E.V.S. and increased the combat intensity. This day we`ve defeated four attacks.
Use the means available. Roger.
Yes, sir! Request permission to activate the Maximus for the storage defense.
The Maximus activation granted. Protect the information in the storage at any price.

Wow, so many helicopters! If we hack their onboard computers we can learn much about the Legion movements and stations.
We`re lucky – I`ve found a lot of valuable information in this helicopter navigator.
One of its flights was related to the observation of a Crystallite deposit sector.
Crystallite? We`ve never met any of the deposits on the planet. Is there anything else about that sector?
The reports tell of a settlement near the deposit.
It is said, those people had survived by learning how to craft some super-strong armor out of Crystallite and spider carapaces.
They mention that some years ago the Legion even used to trade with the settlement for this armor.
However, then the Cultists started some activities there and the communication with the settlement was lost.
The last record in the report says that all the inhabitants were killed or converted to the Xi Cult.
Interesting indeed. Margaret, we should get the coordinates of that place.
Crystallite Deposit (Side Story) >>>

The General worries so much about his data storage located at this Base…
First I doubted if the Base was worth fighting for. However, seeing how much the General cares about his dear data, I start thinking our Commander was right when decided to go straight here.
I also feel we`ll get answers to many of the key questions as soon as we enter this storage.
And I`m more worried about what a “Maximus” has been “enlisted” to guard the storage. Even his name makes me chill…
Why not to name him “Minimus”, for example?
Schroeder, have you learnt anything about this Maximus?
Not yet, Commander. But I`m trying to do my best.
And here`s the Maximus… Impressive. I hope the data kept in the storage is worth fighting against this.
Schroeder, have you got any details on this monster?
To be short, it`s a mobile fortress armed with two heavy machine guns and a giant rail-type gun.
I`m also registering some movement along the fortress inner perimeter. There are some autonomous battle units inside there.
The Maximus is an absolute weapon having no equals. With this thing alone, you could win a couple of local wars on Earth.
What a strong declaration! But I`m not the one to do things halfway. We must take a look at the Legion top secret documents.
The data kept in the storage may be of much importance and even the key to our mission. We have no right to go bye-bye.

Commander, I`ve analyzed all the data from the Black Legion storage. There is very valuable information indeed.
I`m glad I risked my life for something worth the risk. What have you got?
Considering the destruction of the Earth ships… It`s not the Legion to blame. They are sure that the Dominion is the one behind the attacks.
The Dominion? How interesting… What they know about it?
They assume that the Dominion got vague instructions from Adam Cruise and, therefore, made a false conclusion of how to act.
This is the starting point to all the problems on the planet.
Please, explain.
When the refugees from Earth came to Utopia and Adam Cruise understood that he could not avoid Green City assault and further ruin, he decided to destroy the city.
He gave the Dominion the order that allegedly allowed a wider interpretation. Something like “Destroy everything!”.
The Dominion thoroughly calculated the sequence of the steps to execute the order and stopped the main Green City reactor.
This resulted in an explosion that destroyed the city and completed the Adam Cruise`s mission. But that was just the beginning…
The explosion not only wiped the city off the Utopia map, but generated a giant tsunami that devastated half of the planet. And that wasn`t a coincidence but a smart plan of the Dominion.
But there`s something more…
The Dominion system wasn`t destroyed with the city but continued functioning and executing the order. That means, d e s t r o y i n g e v e r y t h i n g.
Adam Cruise designed the Dominion as a universal self-developing and self-scaling system for the colonization of distant planets.
This machine is capable of completing any, even difficult and non-standard, tasks, so the “destroy everything” battle-order is no challenge for it.
Managing the controlled infrastructure, the Dominion quickly launched the multifunctional battle machines production and started using them to complete the task of destroying “everything” on Utopia!
And General Kurbatov, who back in the days had stormed Green City together with the refugees, undertook the mission to stop the Dominion.
But people were afraid to fight against the robots and Kurbatov decided to take unprecedented measures.
He started kidnapping people and making them “brainwashed” as it`s called.
As a result they were losing fear – and all the other emotions as well… That`s how the Black Legion was created.
The method made the soldiers stronger in battle but was ruining their health – frequently killing the body. The General was justifying these victims as necessary for his great mission against the Dominion.
But all this didn`t bring Kurbatov a victory. Even the “super-soldiers” were no match to the latest generation of the Dominators.
Having understood that, the General started the Z.E.V.S. project. The information on it is the most valuable in the captured database. That`s what made Kurbatov so nervous.
The project objective is to create a battle machine so huge and powerful that it won`t be destroyed by any Dominion robot.
As far as I could estimate the scale, the Z.E.V.S. will be as large as a city or even as a small island.
An ambitious project to say the least. But where does Kurbatov get the resources from, considering the size of the construction?
Kurbatov came up with the solution to dismantle the relic terraformers. According to the documents, some of them have already been recycled.
The relic terraformers… Xi name them “the Defilers” and Kurbatov is willing to recycle them to defeat the Dominion. This story smells wrong.
Commander, we`ve got the coordinates of the Z.E.V.S. construction sector. We could head there for the details.
Then let`s not put off the visit.
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