Core Story
The story of Core location is part of a larger Story Line in the Evolution: Battle for Utopia game.
General information about the Core location is Here, and walkthrough guide is Here.

Shroeder, thanks to your efforts, where are we?! I’ve never seen anything alike here on Utopia…
All Is covered with some steel cords… Looking like roots, or cables, or branches…
Seems that we are in an Iron forest… Is it worth pushing forward through this thicket?
That’s the shortest way, Commander. It will take too much time to go around this sector.
Okay, let’s struggle through it. No time to look for another route…
And you, Anderson, try to find out what all these sprouts are. And if there’s any danger to us!
Commander, there`s a large group of Dominators-Technicians ahead.
What are they up to? Making a major repair?
That`s the thing – they aren`t repairing anything. They`re just loitering around as if patrolling the area.
Technicians on patrol!? This is strange…
I’ve never seen them moving on their own. Especially, in such a large unit..
I don’t like all this, Shroeder.
Yeah, this makes me uneasy, too. That’s why I hurried to warn you.
Good. I’ll be ready for any surprise. For an unpleasant one for sure…
Commander, Elizabeth and I have got some information on these formations that you called “sprouts”.
And we’ve found out that these tree-like constructions are somehow related to the Dominion resources development and transportation.
All the “sprouts” are interconnected in a general network and are transporting an unknown substance.
All this substance is piped to a single point. And there should be some important processing core there.
If we get to it, we’ll be able to find more information on these “sprouts”.

You have intrigued me! Keep me informed, this may be of much importance.
Damn, what an encounter!
Is it you, Cruise? I can’t say I’m glad to see you. Has the Dominion risen you from the dead again?
Synthetic E-5000
Synthetic E-5000
I don t understand you!
Synthetic E-5000
Commander, I think that’s not the Adam Cruise anymore…
Seems like after Cruise’s another death the Dominion has stopped trying to make a Hegemon of him…
And used him as a base for the production of a new line of Synthetics.
I suppose you’re right, Margaret..
Let’s hope that poor Cruise has finally rested in peace…
It seems that here is their processing core hub. The Core that I talked about.
Everything extracted by these “sprouts” from the Utopia’s soil is coming here, Commander.
If we study this object, we’ll be able to thoroughly understand how all these “sprouts” are organized and what substance they are transiting. And, what for, above all.
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