Exodus Story

The story of Exodus location is part of a larger Story Line in the Evolution: Battle for Utopia game.

General information about the Exodus location is Here, and walkthrough guide is Here.

<<< Annihilator (Main Story)

We reached the location, Commander! If the coordinates Dominion gave us are to be believed, the third expedition ship will land here.
Have you tried contacting them? We should inform them that we are going to meet them.
Yes, we have zeroed in on the ship, but they won`t respond.
This was to be expected. After the last two expeditions vanished, they adopted a special protocol.
They will keep the highest level of security and avoid all contact unless ordered not to.
But we still must meet them, otherwise they will certainly get into some mess.
There is a landing pad somewhere nearby, the shuttle will land there. Let`s head there.

Chosen One
Defiler, your role in freeing God Xi is almost complete.
You are not a Defiler anymore. Now you will be known as the Chariot of Change, the definitive proof of true eminence of our God.
What are you talking about? Your Xi can`t live with the fact that killing me is more than your Hand can deliver, and you are out of dirty tricks?
You cannot stop me. I have already proven that before and I can prove it again, if need be.
Chosen One
Indeed! That is why you are the Chariot of Change, the most powerful creature on the planet, your destiny writ by our God.
What is that nonsense? What are you trying to say?
Chosen One
We are the Xi`s chosen. We are marked by its powers. We can see fates, we can look into the future. We know the truth.
And what is your truth?
Chosen One
You will soon find out. The helix of your destiny is reaching its final turn.
You will find the revelation, since you are now the Chariot of Change, the definitive proof of true eminence of our God.

I believe you must know this…
I`m constantly trying to understand why the Omega-3 plan failed.
At first I believed that the technologies you received from the alien race of Collectors were to blame. I thought that they were the cause of an intolerable error in the probability models.
But that divergence was acceptable. Even the fact that the Collectors have provided you with the Protoarmor should not have stood in the way of your digitization into a Hegemon-05.
And I kept looking for an error…
I have never found one, but I have sensed a “pattern”. An infinitesimal that cannot be evaluated with the help of mathematics available to me.
I would need to use computational models so complicated, my processing power is simply not enough. I cannot determine the nature of that factor, I can but acknowledge its existence.
I don`t follow. What are you talking about, what “pattern”?

I am unable to explain this better yet. I need more time.
Fair enough. But why are you telling me this, anyway?
Because it means involvement of powers beyond my understanding. And you are at their center.

Chosen One
I welcome you, Chariot of Change!
You already know that the scripture of your destiny is brimming with deep meaning, place there by Our God.
And now your path, inscribed in Xi`s hand, reached one of its shining summits!
A new Xi`s Hand is born! Our hearts fill with happiness!
One more makes no difference… This spawn of yours doesn`t bother me: I can kill every one of them.
Chosen One
It is not like that, Chariot of Change. You were destined to usher the birth of the Hand, not to be his doom.
I don`t care about your designs!
Chosen One
It`s not about our designs. We were chosen by Xi. We are marked by its powers. We can read fates, we can look into the future. We see the truth.

A human ship has reached Utopia, and now their shuttle is approaching the surface.
Good news! Do you know how many humans have arrived?
Humans? There`s only one human on that ship.
One? Strange… Actually, I think I understand.
It`s not a person, they`ve sent a drone. Which is, actually, a rather sound decision, seeing as how the previous expeditions vanished.
No, that`s not a drone. It is a living being. Its biometric parameters most closely resemble those of a human male, of all species known to me.
What do you mean, “most closely”? What is that supposed to mean?
It means just what I said.

Chosen One
I welcome you, Chariot of Change!
We appreciate your contribution to bring near the Great Confluence.
Go now, and fulfil your destiny! Start the Final War!

Right, whose remains are these? I have never seen such a uniform.
A white, unbranded suit, manufacturer cannot be determined. And furthermore, Commander, the alloy has no counterparts on Earth!
Something alien again?
Precisely so, all indicates to that.
Well, what`s the situation with the alien? Have these creatures left us anything at all?
Almost nothing, Commander. The corpse is heavily damaged. But I can tell you this: this is certainly not a human being. This creature is not from Earth, I can vouch for that.

Earthling! We must act quickly, we don`t have much time.
We were too late to see through Xi`s plans. We must not allow the ship from the Earth to reach Utopia. We must destroy it.
What?! Are you insane, my alien brothers? Why would I want to destroy our ship?

We don`t know. But we understood why Xi had been trying to help this ship reach Utopia.
Xi has been using you, earthling…
He made you believe that terraforming is exceptionally beneficial by creating anomalies. It was that saved you from Dominion that recognized vegetation is a weapon against Xi.
Dominion made a false conclusion that your usefulness for fighting the main enemy temporarily outweighs the failure to complete the directive of eliminating the humankind. That`s why it gave you a chance.
But it was Xi that took advantage of it. From the very first second you stepped on Utopia it has been providing you with means to fight Dominion and persuaded you into thinking that it is your mission to save the new ship from Earth.
What do you mean “persuaded”?! How else would I have survived? Anybody else would have done the same in my place, no?
No. Ask your squad, if you don`t believe me. They only followed you because you are their commanding officer.
Or do you really imagine that they had any hope for four human beings and a cyberdog with no food, no weapons, and no support to traverse a planet crawling with enemies armed with weaponry earthlings have never even dreamed of?
Dominion destroyed Earth`s best space cruiser: how did you expect to fight against it with nothing but a shocker on your person?
You`re not the first one to tell me I don`t stand a chance: Kingpin and Kurbatov were quick to dismiss me too. Except that it`s them who are dead now, and I`m absolutely fine. And I defeated the Dominion!
You did not defeat them because you were stronger. You were simply following Xi`s design. Xi was leading you on all of that time, making you save the ship arriving from Earth. We must not allow this to happen!
No! I did not come here because of being lured by the anomalies. It was the only way to save the people who survived on Utopia. You can say whatever you want, but there has never been any other option, and there still isn`t one!
This ship is the our only chance to defeat Xi. We have studied that monster well enough to know how to fight it, and the Federation will make the planet green soon enough. And then Xi will be finished! Well, what`s the catch?
Maybe it`s that you do not want humanity to be saved and Xi defeated? Maybe you have a plan of your own that I know nothing about?
Nothing happens until you give me some solid reason. Why would Xi need a ship from Earth?
We don`t have the answer to that question, earthling. We don`t know why Xi needs that ship.
So you, aliens, sentence humans to death just because that`s how you feel? And you can`t even give any reason?
I don`t think so. I`m not letting you do this!

The Elder Conqueror of Skies, one of the implementers of the Egregore the Conquering.
By the power vested in me by the Council of Hierarchs, I hereby name this planet the citadel of the Tetra-Egregore. I command you to assist by any means necessary for this world to be admitted to the Arch-human Arc.
By cooperating you will complete your initiation, mutate to the second level and obtain the rank of a Junior Exterminator. Should you defy these commands, you will be put to death and resurrected in the Biome.
Your choice?
What the hell are you? Where are humans?
So you have chosen the fate of Biome. Pity. This is really going to hurt, I promise.

I must admit I made a mistake.
This ship shouldn`t have crash-landed on the Utopia.
Why? What was that creature? Where is the crew from the Earth?
That creature was the crew. And it is, indeed, from the Earth. There are no other humans anymore.
According to the data stored on the shuttle`s on-board computers, there was another biological disaster: an outbreak of Red Plague that left 100% of the population infected.
What?! Everybody on the Earth died?
They did not die physically, yet they are not human beings any more.
All human population was turned into mutants controlled by a mental entity that calls itself Tetraegregore.
God… I can`t believe it… Are you sure?
There`s no reason to doubt that data. And so, this facilitates the execution of my principal Directive significantly.
Now I will have little difficulty in eliminating the remnants of humanity, but eliminating Xi will be so much more difficult.
Why, is the Red Plague somehow connected to Xi?
Unfortunately, it is…
The mutant, or Arch-human, as it identifies himself, is a result of a series of heavy mutations on Earth.
One of those mutations localized a set of genes that allows various organisms to safely interact with Earth`s flora.
Hold on… Do you mean that those are the genes that Xi lacks to be no longer afraid of vegetation?
Indeed. Once the flora saved Earth from being absorbed by Xi. The secret of that protection was hidden by the evolution in the DNA of every creature on the Earth.
The mutation caused by the virus united those genes in a single sequence that Xi can discover and understand.
Why these mutations weren`t fatal remains unclear. I can only assume that the reason for that is the effects of the long incubation period of the Red Plague that affected the level of mutations and their fatality.
After all, there was no second outbreak of the virus on Earth. The virus didn`t go anywhere, it was just changing human bodies imperceptibly all that time.
Evidence suggests that Xi knew about the events on Earth. By the time you came here you have became a part of its plan. That is the “pattern” the effects of which I could notice in my probability models. Alas, too late.
When the mutant reached Utopia, his DNA with the gene sequence Xi requires got here with him. Now Xi has it, and the Earth`s flora can no longer contain Xi.
It`s bad… What now?
Because you`re a part of Xi`s plan, I must eliminate you as soon as possible. But I was obliged to guarantee your security, so take this shuttle and leave Utopia.
My security? To what do I owe the honor?
One of your allies has agreed to become the Hegemon-05 and lead my armies. But for that, he asked me to leave you alive.
Considering the coming events, I found its offer acceptable, so for that reason I won`t kill you.
If you want to live, you need leave Utopia. If you stay here, you`ll die.
What? Someone bargained for my life? Who`d want to do this here?
Human, I don`t have much time. I have to get ready for Xi`s awakening. Farewell.

Chariot of Change, you are but a drop in the ocean of my power, but I am grateful.
Do you think that you`ve won? Not so soon – I will stop you yet!
You cannot stop me, like the time cannot be stopped. Change is inevitable. Every living creature is governed by a thirst of change, and the Universe is no exception. I am the impetus of its will, of its desire to change.
You can`t resist, it goes beyond the material world. The Great Confluence is inevitable.
I wouldn`t be so adamant…
I have my reasons against any sort of confluence.
I`m rather comfortable with the present state of things!
You became the Hegemon?!
Yes, someone had to bite the bullet and clip the claws of that space bastard.
Why did you agree to that?!
You know, I got to be honest, I found some benefits in living in a body of a machine.
And that is why I didn`t have to think too long on Dominion`s offer. I had nothing to lose, and now I have so much more possibilities…
Possibilities? Do you even realize why the artificial super intelligence was specifically looking for a human to fulfill the role of the Hegemon?

Naturally! I remembered that, even, just a sec…
“The human nature, by default ruthless and aggressive and yet indefinitely complex, is where the true potential for reaching the highest of highs of the art of war lies”…
The highest of highs, see?! Sounds promising, huh? “And only a human can lead the army of the dominators to the ultimate victory and to completion of the principal Directive”… Blah, blah, blah, and all that stuff.
Do you understand what you are saying? The Dominion wants to wipe out the human race with help of a human! And you will help it?
Commander, just take a second and think. There`s nothing left of it. There`s no humans left on Earth, and only a bunch of cutthroats and several Legion squads with augmented brains here on Utopia.
The human race doesn`t need Dominion`s help in wiping out itself. And the threat of Xi is very real.
It is in order to fight it that Dominion agreed to deal with me and keep you alive. Our main objective right now is to destroy Xi. And I can do it with Dominion`s help!
The Dominion and its slaves will be destroyed!
I`ll rip out your circuits and power supplies! Thank Xi, I am filled with Its power, and I can kill all of you tin cans!
Xi brought you back to life, ammo-for-brains? Fine, fine… I have waited long to rip your guts out!
You`ve turned me from Vincent Gold to Kingpin, and I did not forget that. Well, fate gives me a chance to get even, and I`m grateful…

The fate is on my side! I was blind, I could not see the force that surrounded me, and I lost!
Now I am a part of that divine force. Nothing will stop the onslaught of my holy fury!
I came back to wipe out the dominators down to the last chip! Praise Xi, in the name of the Great Confluence! Nobody escapes my vengeance!
My orders are as follows…
Unfortunately, there are no more human beings on Earth…
It sounds like a war is starting on Utopia which may exterminate the remains of humanity.
Right now we are the most powerful remnants of it in the whole of galaxy. It`s all up to us!
That`s why I and Fido here are going to the Earth to cleanse it from the Red Plague and the mutants. I believe that Protoarmor and my psy abilities will be of great help.
Matryoshka will remain as the commanding officer on Utopia. Under her command you must unite all of the Red-faced gangs and locate all of the human beings remaining on Utopia with their help.
Protect them until I return, and then we`ll evacuate the survivors and repopulate the Earth!
Are orders clear?
I will not let you down. Thank you for your trust, Commander.
Yes, Commander, sir!
I`ll take care of everything.
Copy that!
Good luck, Commander! Don`t worry about us. We can do this!
Perfect! Fido, let`s prepare for lift-off!
Woof! Woof!

The End

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12 Responses to Exodus Story

  1. Black Hand ( Private Private Player's Rank 2 )

    this give me chills : p Cant wait for part 2 and please i want to see walk through also so update it please :$

  2. Pierre ( Private First Class Private First Class Player's Rank 6 )

    Does anyone activated the “chariot of change” mode?
    Do we keep our gems?

    • Darien ( Private Private Player's Rank 1 )

      When I finished the game the first time and started “Chariot of Change” mode, the game gave me a ridiculous amount of gems (10,000, I think? Maybe more?). I would imagine if you beat it again, it’ll give you more gems as a reward.

      I sadly haven’t been able to beat it on Chariot of Change mode… the arch-human seems MUCH tougher this time. Protoarmor, fully upgraded Moloch, fully upgraded Dominion MG, fully upgraded Acid canon, doesn’t matter! Statis grenades, fully upgraded Dragon 2 pistol, best med packs and grenades I can produce… I’m lucky to get him down to half-health before I run out of MG ammo.

    • JACK ( Private Private Player's Rank 2 )

      Support said you’ll retain your VIP level but get 30k diamonds to start over

  3. Zmitrok ( Private First Class Private First Class Player's Rank 6 )

    I’ve found that if you skip non-obligatory fights in Exodus to get to Arch-human faster, the dialog thread is distorted – Dominion speaks about sole human on the ship not before the dialog with Elizabeth and Collector, but after the Arch-human is already dead. It somewhat breaks the mood.

    • Шепард ( General General Player's Rank 584 ) Moderator

      Zmitrok, how can you set your photo in avatar, i thought this is impossible without moderators participation?

    • Шепард ( General General Player's Rank 584 ) Moderator

      About your question: It happens because the dialogues are static and can’t change. For example, you meet Brother Thorius in the location of a “UFO Сrash” location, but without going into the swamp. Brother Thorius will talk to you as if you’ve already met him and the commander has already killed him once

  4. Zmitrok ( Private First Class Private First Class Player's Rank 6 )

    Regarding the avatar – I’ve got no idea, actually. It wasn’t my choice. Could’ve been the avatar from VK, but I’m not sure I shared anything other than email.
    As for the dialogs – yep, sounds reasonable. It’s not even a complaint, I spent a lot of great time playing this game back in 2016 as well as finishing it now after a long break.

    • Zmitrok ( Private First Class Private First Class Player's Rank 6 )

      I guess I found out how the avatar appeared. This site (or rather WordPress it’s built on) uses Gravatar service as a source of avatars (I can see it in the name of my avatar image) and my email indeed some time ago was bound to Gravatar image – apparently the one I see here.

      • Шепард ( General General Player's Rank 584 ) Moderator

        Hmm… Sounds complicated. In russian version of this site you cannot change you avatar. You can take part in a quiz and if you win, you can choose a picture from your avatar

  5. Zmitrok ( Private First Class Private First Class Player's Rank 6 )

    Guess I found a loophole then. Not going to pretend I’m a winner though, might be reasonable to revert to more conventional avatar. If only my method would work only at this site. Appearing with Evolution-like avatar at all sites that use WordPress is a little bit too much.

  6. ДраКот ( Captain Captain Player's Rank 223 )

    I have read Zmitrok’s story about avatar and now am thinking: may be try to do this too?

    Sorry for my bad English.
    And why I am writing in English if I am from Russia? (Ну хз, типо английская версия – надо по-английски)

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