Home Base Story
The story of Home Base location is part of a larger Story Line in the Evolution: Battle for Utopia game and begins our adventure of the expedition on Utopia.
General information about the Home Base location is Here, and walkthrough guide is Here.
<<< Beginning of the Expedition on Utopia
That was some fall! I was lucky to get off with just a few bruises. Let’s go see what’s outside…
Finally some fresh air! I don’t see the rescue capsules with the other crew members. But I do see something else. It’s coming closer…
Whoa! What the heck is that thing?! It looks like a gigantic spider… Fido, attack!
Switching to battle mode. Woo-oof!

One down. But something tells me there’s still a lot more where that one came from…
This planet isn’t all that friendly. I wonder where my guys landed? I need to find them right away!
There is another spider ahead.
These spiders are everywhere! I hope that my crew members’ landing capsules ended up in a safer place.
Commander, you’re alive! I’d hug you if it wasn’t against regulations.
I’m glad to see you, Elizabeth. Do you have any info on the other members of the crew?
My sensors indicate that the vital signs of all the crew members are normal!
I`ve also spotted one capsule – it landed right behind this mountain.
Good. Fido and I will head over there. You stay here, Elizabeth. I have no intention of risking the life of our only scientist.
Commander, just in time! You don’t have to worry about me, it’s Anderson who is – as usual – in trouble.
His capsule landed west of us. And some kind of local snake-like creature has taken an interest in it!
Fido and I will intercept this thing, and you continue to monitor the surroundings.

Commander, you saved me! Thank you! It wouldn’t have been long before your engineer ended up in the belly of an overgrown alien snake!
Engineers are worth their weight in gold right now, so I had to move fast. We have to deploy a base on this planet, and you’re the only one who can do it.
The base will be up in no time, Commander. Provided, of course, that you haven’t busted your shuttle into pieces. We’ll never manage without it.
The shuttles from the colonial ships can be transformed into Reactors that can produce fuel. That will be vital to building the base.
The shuttle is almost like new, and I have it… umm… parked out behind that mountain. Begin to prepare it for the transformation, and I’ll try to find Margaret.
You sure took your time saving me, Commander. That said, I’m definitely happy to see the rest of the crew already assembled.
You’re as mean as ever, Margaret, which means you’re in good shape.
We plan to deploy a base here. Anderson is already converting the shuttle into a Reactor.
Before building the base, we have to do something about the condition of the neighborhood. This sector is brimming with spiders: I’ve killed two or three just in the past five minutes!

Commander, I know why the spiders attacked Margaret so fiercely. Her capsule landed near their nest, and that’s where their Queen is located.
I advise you to be very careful. The queen is an extremely lethal opponent. She is many times stronger than the other spiders.
It is imperative that we build a base here, and no spiders are going to stop us!
The queen has been sent to spider hell! You were in top form, Commander! Now this sector is completely safe.
In this case it’s time to start building our base.
I have everything ready. It’s only right that you be the one to press the button to initiate the process to convert the shuttle into a reactor. Go ahead, Commander.
Congratulations! The shuttle has been successfully converted into a Reactor!
Alert! Anomalies have been detected in our quadrant.

I can visually confirm the presence of some bright blue objects. I cannot determine the threat level, however.
The anomalies are in motion. If they touch the reactor they may set off an uncontrollable reaction with disastrous consequences!
I called up an anomaly locator on the center of the screen to make finding them easier. We have to eliminate them ASAP!
Anomalies are no longer detected. My instruments indicate that their radiation is harmless to us. And what’s more…
They might even be useful to us, as their decay is accompanied by the release of mineral resources.
Intriguing. Elizabeth, try to learn more about these anomalies. They might come in handy.
Yes, sir! I’ll let you know as soon as I have something to report.
Anderson, what’s next on the agenda?
The first step is to build a Research Center so that Elizabeth could begin work on recovering production technologies.

There’s a Magmatite deposit near our base. We need to research the technology for excavating it and build a mine.
Now that we have Magmatite, we can build an Arsenal.
Now that we have an Arsenal, we can produce ammunition.
Commander, we need iron to continue construction operations. It’s a basic building resource, and we will need a lot of it.
Do you have any idea where to find it?
There must be iron ore deposits on the planet. If we find one of them, we can build a mine and set up iron production.
In that case, we must waste no time in conducting a soil analysis of our sector. Elizabeth, try to locate an iron ore deposit.
Right away… Ready! Iron is detected in a neighboring quadrant. I’ll transfer the coordinates.
Commander, I just finished work on the interactive map – and I’ve already entered the data on the iron ore deposit.
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