MOROSE Crash Site Story
The story of MOROSE Crash Site location is part of a larger Story Line in the Evolution: Battle for Utopia game.
General information about the MOROSE Crash Site location is Here, and walkthrough guide is Here.

It smells like burnt metal… Looks like this is the place… The black box should be somewhere here.
Bandits directly ahead.
Probably just ordinary scavengers who have come to reap the rewards that have literally fallen on them from the sky.
Commander, I found a note on this Demolisher about some kind of large object called a “relic”. According to our data, it’s somewhere nearby.
From the records we can see that the bandits are forced to constantly defend the relic from some kind of hostile faction.
They call these enemies “mad fanatics,” “psychos” and “arachnoids”.
“Arachnoids?” Sounds like the name of an adolescent punk band. I wonder what this relic is, and why anyone would want to destroy it?
Do you have the coordinates for the relic?
No exact coordinates, Commander, but I marked on the map where, going by the records, the general area is located.

Commander, I’ve conducted a recon of the area. There’s something unusual up ahead.
Everything is unusual around here, Schroeder. Does it pose a threat?
I’m afraid so. It’s female soldiers wielding long combat knives secured to their arms…
I believe them to be close-range fighters with high agility, able to quickly get to a critical position next to the target. Not unlike ninja.
Ninja, here? Fantastic.
They would most probably chop anyone to pieces, given the chance to get close enough. And they are lightning fast. You should be careful, Commander.
Old, faithful comrade… I would strangle with my own hands whoever it was that blew you to pieces… You were the finest vessel I have ever had the honor of flying.
And who might you be? I was sent here by Kingpin. This debris belongs to him. Piss off if you value your head!
This debris used to be my ship. I came here to get the black box. You found it already, didn’t you? Give me the box, and the rest is yours.
I think I said that EVERYTHING here belongs to Kingpin. So shut your mouth and shove off – there’s no handouts for you here!
Then I will have to seize the black box by force… Why am I not surprised?

I searched this iron blockhead and everywhere around. But no black box anywhere. I’m afraid we’re too late, and Kingpin already has it.
It looks like we’re destined to meet up with this Kingpin.
I doubt that he has forgotten about our incursion into the bunker and on the cargo ship and that he’ll be ready to politely hand over the black box, but I see no other option.
Schroeder, how do we find his hideout?
Commander, it wouldn’t be me if I had not already attempted this. But, unfortunately, nothing turned up. I interviewed a dozen bandits, but every single one is as silent as a clam!
Pardon me, like, for butting in and all that, but at this pace you’ll be looking for Kingpin’s hideout till Kingdom come. He’s gone to ground as best he could.
He’s laid low ever since that bomb the Legion tossed on his camp. Kingpin barely managed to crawl out of the rubble then… No one knows where he’s holed up – not even the Vipers.
But he somehow controls his gang. He sends orders through someone. There must be someone who knows how to find him!
Well, there is one broad. Name’s Matryoshka. She calls the shots in Kingpin’s camp. She is his eyes, his ears and, when needed, his gun.
She sure knows where Kingpin is. But – just to save you some time – Matryoshka’s not an option.
Why not? What is it about this Matryoshka?
First off, this chica is dug in at the Citadel right now, setting up a death squad for the showdown with the Black Legion.
The Citadel? Where the hell is that?
Dang, I keep forgetting you’re not local… Basically, the Citadel is the Kingpin’s garrison town.
I did my share of hanging out there – back when I was in the gang. It has everything, almost like on Earth! And it’s not called the Citadel for nothing: the fortifications are top-notch and Kingpin’s goons are packing the place.
Catching my drift, Commander? Yup, that’s right – to get to Matryoshka you’ll need to fight your way through the whole town! Is that something you really wanna try?
And another thing… There is some talk… They say that originally Matryoshka’s from Russia and that there’s something… different about her.
An old pal once told me you can’t bump her off. She’s, like, immortal.
Immortal? Yeah, right. Cute little tale. Ends with the first bullet… Just show the way to this Citadel.
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I do have to wonder, how would this dialogue play out if you hadn’t recruited Frisky yet? :/
Hmmmmmmm, if you had jaafar, maybe he went there too