Swamps Story
The story of Swamps location is part of a larger Story Line in the Evolution: Battle for Utopia game.
General information about the Swamps location is Here, and walkthrough guide is Here.

Be careful, Commander. We’ve already entered the swamps area, and I have no notion of how treacherous this place could be. The shrine has to be somewhere close.
Master, I detect a threat. Danger up ahead.
What’s this, Fido? We’ve just arrived and you already want to turn back?
I can’t explain it, master, but the feeling is strong. The threat is not coming from a person, it’s something quite different. It is everywhere – back, front and even below.
Commander, I think I know what bothers Fido. All my sensors have gone mad; there’s something wrong with magnetic fields here. Fido is also equipped with sensors – which are surely sending an alarm signal right now.
Hmm, it really is rather strange. I’ve observed similar readings only once before. In deep space, on a research mission to a black hole.
But what can they possibly mean here? I have no answer – it may even be that our science is not yet able to provide one. My gear just chose to go bonkers, and that’s that…
Dammit, Elizabeth! You surely know how to lift spirits!
Still, what choice do we have? The whole planet is one giant black hole… Whatever stands in my path, I’ll still find a way to return to Earth!

Cultist of Xi
I see a champion of the Defiler! He’s heading for the Sacred Land! Why is he here? What does the Devourer of Worlds say? What is His word?
Brother Thorius
Listen to the voice of the Great Devourer of Worlds, brethren! God speaketh through me, for I am His Hand and the Messenger of His will.
Our Lord declares to you that this man has come to defile the holy shrine and thus he must perish! The infidel must perish!
Cultist of Xi
Champion of the Defiler! Stop! Xi is close! Closer than me! Behold the wondrous land your feet are treading upon! It is the flesh of the Lord our God!
Why do you keep calling me a champion? Is it because I didn’t let you destroy the terraformer relic? Is the relic “the Defiler”?
Cultist of Xi
You stand in the way of the Unification! You are the champion of the Defiler! Defilers shall be destroyed! DESTROYED! DESTROYED! DESTROYED!
Yeah, I’ve heard this tune before…
I see a fortification of some sort up ahead. And a pile of dead spiders at the entrance. It looks like someone made this spot his standing ground.
Enemies of spiders are not necessarily friends to us. However, I’m still keeping my hopes up for meeting a normal person around here. Let’s try to get closer.
Dang, there’s a cultist in there! He might be dangerous!
But the spiders were attacking him, and that is strange… I’ll try to talk to him.

Brother Rico
Hey, you! Stop right there! What do you want?
Do not worry, we are not the enemy. We came from Earth. We saw you fighting spiders and thought you wouldn’t mind some help.
Brother Rico
From Earth? I don’t recognize any of you! What’s your unit number? Where did your shuttle land?
I am the commander of the second scouting expedition sent from Earth to Utopia. Our primary objective was to determine the fate of the first expedition.
Brother Rico
A second expedition?! Thank heavens! Where is your ship? The first expedition met its end! We need to leave the planet! Fast!
Unfortunately, our ship was destroyed. We are now searching for those responsible.
Brother Rico
Destroyed? Oh, no! No! It can’t be! There’s no way out! We are all doomed!
Calm down, we are still breathing, aren’t we? So you’re saying you are a member of the first crew?
Brother Rico
That’s right… Our ship was attacked soon after entering the orbit…
A few of us were able to reach rescue shuttles and managed a safe landing. I was among them. Though I am not sure any more who had better luck – those who made it, or those who didn’t…
So, where are other survivors?
Brother Rico
I will answer your questions later. Must say, you’ve arrived in the nick of time. I almost ran out of ammo. Can I borrow some biofuel?
Dialog with Rico

Tell me of the first expedition
I know for a fact that there were eight rescue shuttles that made it safely to Utopia.
Ours landed right here, in the swamps. There were seventy of us, our shuttle was nearly full.
We decided to stay by the craft to make it easier to find us and just waited…Waited for next expedition to arrive…
But time passed on, no news was received. And something unusual started happening to people.
They began hearing voices, seeing weird dreams…
Nightmares, to be more specific.
At first we blamed swamp water which we were forced to drink for the lack of other. But it wasn’t that…
In the next six months most of our people became obsessed with an idea of serving a certain creature that had been speaking to them in the nighttime.
I niver saw or heard anything, but i had to act as if Xi – that was how they called the creature – was controlling my mind as well. Otherwise, they would’ve killed me. I saw it in their frantic eyes.
Day by day,their faith grew more and more fervent. They seemed to remember nothing of their former lives, their minds set solely on the idea of restoring Xi’s power. All other things lost their meaning for them.
They started calling each other “brethren”, like some monks or cultist. They spoke of Xi’s imminent arrival and promised death to all “infidels”.
They even improvised some ritual outfits and tattoos for Xi to quickly distinguish them from others on his arrival.
I, too, changed my clothes to keep up the disguise. At least I managed to fool people…
…but not spiders. When spiders came, first thing they did, they tore to pieces all fake believers. We were few.
I was the only one to escape. I fled and hid in an empty warehouse on the outskirts of the swamps.
And there I stayed until you came. You’ve literally saved me. I owe you my life!
Why do the spiders obey the cultists?
Those able to hear Xi develop a special bond with spiders. Not only spiders do not harm them, but also obey the orders of the most devoted of the fanatics.
According to the prophecies I had a chance to hear, spiders are Xi’s lesser minions. The strongest of them are so big and powerful that they are able to suck the life out of an entire planet.
Tell me of Xi
What I’ve gotten out of all this is the certainty of Xi’s existence. “It” is real and it wants to retrieve its powers, taken away by some ancient enemy in some great war.
People who had revelations, told stories about this war. Xi was extremely strong once.
Driven by a “righteous” idea of the Unification, he was engulfing one universe after another. His multiple foes rose against him, starting a war.
The enemies were numerous. Thousands of planets, stellar systems and galaxies not willing to be absorbed, confronted Xi.
But even their united forces were insufficient. In the end, they were unable to destroy Xi, they could only strip him of his powers.
Xi’s followers consider him to be a true god. They call him the “Devourer of worlds”. I am not sure if he actually is a god or not. but if he isn’t, then who is he?

The magnetic field distortion becomes exorbitant; several of my sensors have already failed…
We are evidently drawing closer to the source of some disturbance unknown to science.
This disturbance that you and Fido are registering – can it somehow explain the behaviour of spiders fighting alongside the cultists?
Commander, I do not have an answer to your question. All I can say is that there is something or someone causing fundamental aberrations in mathematical properties of the world.
Are we talking divine intervention here? Those cultists keep rambling about it all the time…
Well now, let`s not shy away from the truth – whatever it is. There certainly exists a scientific explanation. And we will find it in a while.
I’ve never seen anything of the like, not even in the war!
This abhorrent statue is all covered in blood!
Elizabeth, can we verify whether this blood is human?
Unfortunately, we can’t. All my equipment is dead. Last sensor went off at the very moment we came up to the statue.
The statue may be the source of the same mysterious distortions that we are observing all around the location.
Master, this object poses a threat! It emanates evil – of the sort I’ve never witnessed before. Primordial, insatiable, boundless evil. The like that no human being is capable of.
Well, that’s strange. I, for one, feel nothing at all. All I see is a stockpile of rocks smeared with blood.
Commander, believe me, something is not right. Human senses just do not register a change in a biofield. Do I have your permission to inspect the object?
Go ahead, Elizabeth. Let’s see what you can find.

Do you see what I see? This is an Earth Federation ship!
It seems that our expedition was succeeded by yet another one, and it, in its turn, was also destroyed! Damn it, when do we get our hands on the scumbags who keep shooting down our craft?!
Commander, I looked the ship up in the register…
This is an “Angel” rescue shuttle, registration number 029. But the entry says this vessel was commissioned to the first rescue expedition…
It looks like this is the ship of the team we were searching for – the one that came before, not after, us!
I see… Now at least we know that the first expedition did indeed reach Utopia.
Since they had to use rescue shuttles, they, too, had been, probably, attacked.
How many of those shuttles did they have?
Twenty-plus. With carrying capacity of 75 people each.
So where are all those people? What happened to them? I don’t see any bodies or traces of blood…
This means they have survived! We must start looking for them, they might be close by!
Brother Thorius
The ones you are looking for have found the truth and followed the Devourer of Worlds, Lord our God, to become his shadows in this world! A new Sun has risen for them – and the name of Him is Xi!
I am His Hand and the messenger of His will. I will show you the way to redemption! You will become His shadows like the infidels before you.
Who – or what – the hell are you? What did you do to those people? Answer me!
Brother Thorius
I granted them the honor of joining the army of God; I bestowed upon them a gift of becoming His immortal shadows! I have prepared the same gift for you, for Lord our Xi hungereth after your souls!
You freaking mutant! I have a gift for you too: the gift of ending your revolting existence! And the gift is on the way!
Cultist of Xi
The champion of the defiler profanes the sacred ground! The champion is killing the brethren! Has our God turned His face away from us?
Brother Thorius
Do not fret, brethren! The Devourer of Worlds spoke to me! He will protect us!
Lord our God gave me strength! I can muster an army of His servants! With them I shall be indomitable!

Brother Thorius
We have awaited you, o lost one! This day you shall receive peace and deliverance. The Kingdom of Lord our Xi is near, and the name of it is Unification.
What did you do to the people from the rescue shuttle, you miserable freak?
Brother Thorius
They became the shadows of the Devourer of Worlds. They are amongst us, but they already are a part of Xi.
Okay, whatever… And you? Who might you be?!
Brother Thorius
I am an instrument of His will. I am His Hand. I listen to His word. I speak in His name.
And what has your god told you?
Brother Thorius
The wrath of the Devourer is upon you, heretic – for you stand in the way of the Unification. I shall fulfill His will, His servants shall aid me.
What is this “Unification” I stand in the way of?
Brother Thorius
The green filth defiles our lands. You spread it, thus condoning the defiling. This land is the flesh of Xi. You allow it to be desecrated.
Okay, I get it. Your god holds something against terraforming. But what the hell? This planet was a giant luscious garden once!
Brother Thorius
My God says that your time has come to an end! Defilers shall be destroyed! DESTROYED! DESTROYED! DESTROYED!

Commander, did you really succeed in killing this monster?! When all those spiders started popping out of nowhere, I couldn’t help thinking this would be the end…
Ditto. Though it’s not my first day on this planet, this caught me completely off guard.
This creature was not only able to control the spiders, he kept… creating them all the way through the fight!
More likely “summoning” than “creating”…
As a scientist, I surely have a hard time acknowledging the fact that there is some force behind the cultists. Most real and most powerful force.
This force is in direct correlation to the booming rates of population growth of spiders, crawlers, bombers and other monsters.
And it can affect people. Not only mentally, but physically, too…
It`s possible. But where did it come from? And what is its real purpose? The cultists are evidently against the terraforming, but what is their reason?
I have a theory. But before I share it, I’d like to get an experimental proof.
To test my theory we’ll need to terraform this sector. It may lead us to a vital discovery.
My hypothesis was right!
All fundamental disturbances observed by me and Fido in the vicinity of the altar have disappeared after the terraforming.
Sensors no longer register any distortion. All readings are normal.
I see. Any general conclusions?
I believe that terraforming suppresses the force that the cultists call Xi.
That’s the reason why spiders – being a manifestation of the Xi force – appeared on the planet only after the relic terraformers had been destroyed.
Before the cataclysm put them out of action, terraformers had been working properly, suppressing the Xi force and not letting it manifest itself.
But they were destroyed by the explosion in Green City and the subsequent tsunami, thus giving green light to spiders and cultists.
So you are saying that the relics not only acted as a terraforming device, but also as a barrier against all those freaks?
My guess is that terraformation was only a secondary effect of the relics’ primary function. Which was the suppression of the Xi force.
Looks like a prison to me…
What do you mean, Commander?
Utopia… A prison planet containing an extremely dangerous criminal!
Someone in a very distant past had caught this Xi, brought it here and locked it up… And put relics to guard it.
But then humans came along and brought the prison walls down…
We need to report all our findings to Earth a.s.a.p. They may be of major importance.
To ensure this we must do whatever it takes to prevent the next expedition from being shot down like other ships!
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Does anyone know how i unlock this stage?