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Great theme for the communications between lazy people with the smartest ones
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In what level are you, DmZ?
Just hit level 40 (kind of wondering if I should’ve stayed at 39, since hitting level 40 I only seem to get threat level 1 or 2 missions now).
Just started the Black Legion Base level, was going to try going for the Spartan armor.
You’re more advanced than me… I have just started Black Legion Checkpoint.
Tell me what you’re using and what techs you have researched and at what level you are on them to establish a comparison.
Mine are:
Dragon Pistol (fully upgraded)
Acid Pistol (fully upgraded)
Pegasus Pistol (fully upgraded)
Storm AR (fully upgraded)
Enhanced Optics Level 3
Psi Power Level 4
Attack Mode Level 2 (Max)
Regeneration Level 4
Anomaly Decay Level 5 (Max)
Enhanced Stasis Shot Level 3
Stasis Shield Level 2 (Max)
(techs that are not maxed out are limited by the game level I’m in at the moment)
Vulnerabilities at Reconnaissance Center (most important ones)
Giant Spider Level 2 (double aimed shot)
Queen Spider Level 2 (double aimed shot)
Snipers Level 2 (double aimed shot)
Shield Bearer Level 3 (15% more of damage)
And I think it’s all…
I’m partway through the Black Legion Base (really just made a dash to get the Spartan armor). 95% exp level 41
Weapons (all are fully upgraded):
Acid Pistol
UFO pistol
Alligator AR
Dragon Shotgun
Enhanced Optics Lv. 3
Enhanced Grenade Launcher Lv. 1
Enhanced Attack Lv. 1
PSI Power Upgrade Lv. 3
Regeneration Lv. 3
Maximus Turret (researched but not built)
Anomaly Decay Lv. 5
Storage Depot Lv. 13
Reconnaissance Center (all are Lv. 1):
Guard Spider
Spider Queen
Pale Slider
Berserker Spider
Shield Bearer
Black Legion Infantryman
Black Legion Stormtrooper
Black Legion Commander
Black Legion Exterminator
.. I strongly recommend staying below level 40 until you’ve got everything to want to/need because after that Level 3, 4 and 5 missions jump in difficulty. I miss fighting the Axe dudes for 10 gems (was below rank 4000), now I’m fighting the Black Legion Super Soldiers and Hydra Turrets for 12 gems (now above rank 4000)

Not bad. But you better take focus on Reconnaissance Center. At least 2-nd level of all powerfull enemies.
As for me, i’ve just hit lv 42.
As what levels do the missions become tougher? I am at lvl 29, and have relatively easy missions but not able to buy any decent energy weapons. Currently the Lvl 4 Mission bosses are Ripper, Executioner and Shield Bearer. Will the missions and bosses change at lvl 30?? or when? Can we record this information anywhere and for this forum?
Take a look at your ranking (the one that shows by level) and see to confirm, but I believe it’s around level 34 or 35 where the missions jump up in difficulty. I’d recommend ignoring all other missions except for the UFO Sector so you can get the UFO Pistol ASAP or things are going to get hard for you.
Thanks DMZ, really appreciate the direction.
Don’t worry. Threat missions of level 3 and above will appear at 41. It will be a little surprise
Lol I noticed. Wishing I had stayed at 39 just a little while longer now… Am I safe to go 42 without getting mammoth tanks (and are they as tough as the one at the Black Legion Checkpoint)? Would like to get Matroyshka, but I think I might hit 43 before I get to her…
I may be wrong, but as I remember, mammonth tanks appears at level 4 terrors near level 45. And yes, it’s the same tanks as in BL Base or Checkpoint.
[This question removed from the Black Legion Army theme]
How the hell am I supposed to beat this guy and 2 Commanders (not counting the 5 Infantries) with Acid Pistol and Storm AR even with both fully upgraded? And I’m also using G2 frag grenades!!
You mean Super-Soldier?
Use the same tactics like against a turret.
Use your AR when he starts to threat.
And notice that Aimed shot stops his attack.
Yes, Super-Soldier plus 2 Commanders and 5 Infantries! I’m killing off first the Infantries with Storm AR and also using G2 frag grenades. But then Commanders comes towards me very soon and I have no time to kill them before they reach and hit me until I’m down.
If I try the other way around, trying to kill Commanders first, then Infantries comes towards me too soon and kill me before I can hit them. I’m even trying to use Psy Strikes but no success yet!
I have already killed the Hydra Turret next to this Super-Soldier with no problems. I guess I used 2 or 3 U2 Med packs for Hydra and 2 G2 frag grenades, I guess!
You can use a Phoenix as a last argument %)
I’ll make a video of my fight against this enemy so that you can tell me where am I doing wrong and so that you can advise me! I didn’t want to use Phoenix System because I would like to learn how to fight better!
Finally I made it… I won but I didn’t did the video… Forgot to start the application to record… So stupid of me!
Glad for you. ^)
Ok, thanks.
I’m already at the UFO location. With Pegasus looks like it won’t be that difficult to reach the crash site at the end of the location!
Hope I’m not wrong. Those spiders comes in great numbers but I think I can take them down only with Pegasus!
The first encounter went good there, so hope things keep that way… heheh
Real difficulty ( 6 stars) begins with General Kurbatov. Have to do a lot of upgrades including acid shotgun. Terminators are really hard to kill.
Is it better an Acid Pistol fully upgraded (130% damage to armored targets) or the UFO pistol fully upgraded (50% damage to armored targets) against turrets above Hydras?
UFO makes near 110 hits on armor. And it is much faster
You mean 110 of damage for each shot or 110 shots??
110-130 damage for each shot. And near 250 critical shot damage.
Ah ok, but I still don’t have it upgraded… I’m upgrading it ass we speak. Doing first the magazine size as 5 bullets is really weak.
Why there are some replies that we can’t answer??? They don’t have the “reply” button! ???
That’s right, magazine first. UFO is great. You can keep it until you take a dominion pistol. Don’t buy M5, it’s too weak in dominion.
There are just 3 levels of messages on this forum. You can’t reply the third level message. Just reply the previous 2-ND level message.
Yeah I haven’t used the acid pistol since upgrading the UFO pistol – am I safe to dismantle it for skill points or will that come back to bite me when it comes time for acid shotgun and acid Cannon?
Also just wondering, I researched vulnerability lv. 1 on the spider queen in the recon centre, and just noticed that while I’ve killed about a half dozen already, it still shows 0/40 for lv. 2, has anyone else seen this or am I just screwed and stuck at lv 1 for the spider queen?
You can dismantle it if you don’t need it any more. For producing acid shotgun or cannon you just need the fact of acid pistol is researched.
The counter starts every time from zero since previous vulnerability level is researched.
M5 SMG doesn’t worth the gems???
M5 SMG is good, better then UFO, but UFO is enougth for Black Legion, and when you enter the Dominion territory, you’ll get great Dominion pistol.
I think the only pistol that’s really worth to buy is Kurbatov’s. Just because it’s the best pistol in the game.
If you think how to spent your gems, think about Terminator Amba.
My problem is that since it reset to 0 I’ve killed 6 or 7, but the counter is still at 0 for some reason
DmZ, maybe it’s a bug. You better write to game support.
Гудвин, turns out it is a bug… Support was of no help however. What happens is once the Spider’s Queen in Level 4 missions becomes the kind where she turns into 3 little spiders after killing it, it no longer counts towards the Recon Vulnerability research. The only way around this is to get your research done by doing the Missions (the Horny Slider and the Berserker Spider mission both have 1 spider’s queen in them). Just thought I’d post that here in case anyone runs into this problem.
When fighting in Black Legion checkpoint I think I found a bug. I have been across this bug before but didn’t recorded it. What are the odds that in this fight I was recording and the bug came up.
Here is a video of that fight. At minute 2.56, I launch a Stasis grenade and for some reason, my UFO pistol start firing at the Assault Riffle fire rate…
I don’t know how to post a video to be watched here.
Hi everyone…
Need some opinions:
I’m starting the Defence Line Location which as Moloch MG, I’m almost half-way in the Crystallite Deposit Location which as Acid Shotgun and Miss Rebecca is offering me the Megathrone MG. I’ve already decided that I’ll research, produce and will fully upgrade Acid Shotgun because it’s needed for Acid Canon. I’ve almost decided that I’ll research, produce and will fully upgrade Moloch MG (for defence in Archipelago) but I’ve have not decided what to do with Megathrone. Is it worth buying it and fully upgrade it now that I’m already into Defence Line location??? I still will take a while to reach Moloch MG because I’m struggling with Terminators at the beginning of the location. I don’t know what to do!
If you already have the Megathrone AR (I think you said you did) then I wouldn’t bother. If you don’t have any other energy weapons aside from the UFO pistol, I would buy either the Megathrone AR or MG so that you can take down armored enemies and archipelago enemies with ease. I ended up with the MG, it’s alright, now very powerful but the large clip and fire rate make up for it. Never used the AR though (I don’t think it was ever even offered to me).
DmZ, do you have any contact (email, skype, Google Hangouts) that you can give me so that we can chat every now and then?
I have Megathrone AR fully upgraded but I can’t win Terminators in Defence Line location even with U3 Medpacks, G2 frag grenades and UFO pistol also fully upgraded, Psy Strykes level 5 and Stasis shots. There are 3 Terminators and a few more troops. I just can’t get a win… Even if I kill the first Terminator, I can’t deal with the 2nd!
Hello, just started playing a few days ago… I’m at the bunker location currently, but the snipers are preventing further progress… Could someone suggest me the best tactic to beat those pesky enemies? Even if I’m able to throw 1 grenade, I always get killed a few seconds after the fight starts.
Aimed shot is taking forever to become ready and everything I’ve tried so far, failed miserably.
Thanks in advance for any advice!
What is your armor and weaponry? Do you have any fully upgraded weapon? The best way is to fully upgrade one of your weapons and, if possible, research some vulnerabilities at the reconnaissance center.
Hello! Having just started playing the game, I assume to have everything at “rookie” level. I haven’t upgraded anything, that I remember and didn’t even know I had an armor! I recently researced a handgun (stormbreaker?) which has optic sights, that’s all. Is then advisable to not proceed any further in the area until I manage to complete enough random mission and gather resources for upgrading stuff? I’m trying to build a Workshop right now, but I need a lot more iron (that I wasted away trying to have enough G-1 grenades to eliminate those nasty Snipers)… I have no idea of what the Reconnaissance Center is :/
Just want to make sure you know that when the snipers are trying to hit you with an aimed shot (the red line appears) that if you go from couching (swipe down) to standing (swipe up) that they can’t hit you with it right? Usually should have enough time when standing to fire off 2 or 3 shots before crouching again without them being able to hit you with their aimed shot – it deals massive damage.
DmZ, indeed the thought of standing up as to disturb their aimed shot did occur to me but… It’s probably how I get past the 1st sniper. It’s the 2 snipers in that Bunker location that’s giving me headaches… Thanks for the advice, will definitely try again ASAP 😀
Yay! It worked, thanks DmZ!
Is it possible to initiate somehow saving game progress on the G+/FB cloud “Right now!”?
Or the saving is fully managed by the game itself only?
Why such a question?
Several times I tried to continue playing on another device (mobile phone), but a saved file the game offered me to download was not the last one I had played.
Example – stopped tablet playing on Monday 10pm. Next morning tried to continue on mobile, but the game offered the saved file from Monday 6pm (and not 10pm).
Thank you and keep safe.
No, you cannot initiate saving.
You can only check out the last saving by trying to boot the game from the cloud.
And another question:
How could I change the flag in my profile?
I don’t mean the bonus flags offered to purchase for energy/gems, but the national flags I can see on other players’ profiles.
Recently I fight under US flag, but US is not my homeland.
Thank you.
That’s not possible. I think, country flag placed automatically by you IP when you starting a new game.
Maybe not our IP but the game server IP or something like that. I’m not from England and my flag is from England!
I think the “standard” flag is related to the language you started the game with, possibly defaulting to your device’s one.
Hi Hi…
Something terrible happened with my game. A few minutes ago I had to reconfigure my home wireless network and my smartphone got disconnected from it several times. After I get my home wireless network working again I tried to play the game but it wasn’t starting from the last point I left it earlier this evening. When I go to the cloud I have two options: one is to download a file dated of 19/05/2015 8:53pm and the other option is not to download the file. The second option doesn’t starts the game at the last point I left the game. What should I do?
Damn dude, that sucks. Unless you manually made a backup of your save I’m thinking you’re likely screwed.
And what’s the problem?19/05/2015 8:53pm is a good date , why don’t you load game from the cloud?
The situation you described is rather often when you play the game without Internet connection or tricking with a clocks.
Well, my problem was “what if” the last saved game didn’t have the enemy 20 of Defence Line Location already defeated. That was the biggest problem. But anyway, the video I made defeating it is from around 04:00pm so, fortunately that save has the enemy 20 already defeated!
Which is better:
Dominion AR or Dominion shotgun??
so i can upgrade the best one first!!
plz someone anser!
i have the Kurbatov’s Pistol whis is great!
I think you can’t just make a straight comparison. They are two very different weapons. Think about what type you like/need most from now on in the game. That’s how I have decided between Megathrone AR and Acid Shotgun. I decided that Acid Shotgun would be more useful at this stage of the game (Defence Line Location)…
So, think about these aspects:
Do you have AR cartridges kit researched?
Do you have Shotgun cartridges kit researched?
Do you like more using Stasis Shot (only available with AR) or close range combat (shotgun is best)?
Do you like more fast reload times (AR is faster) or don’t mind at all (shotgun reload time is longer)?
These would be the aspects I would have in account to choose either the AR or the Shotgun!
Does anyone know if there is a table showing how much experience is required for each level?
I’ve observed that 60 points gives you 12% experience.
So 60 / 12 = 5. This means 5 points gives to 1% experience.
So 5 * 100 = 500. You need 500 experience points to level up!
This as far as I know is the same threshold for all the sectors.
Всем привет! Седня зашел в игру а тут такое. Не знаю куда кликать. Подскажите плиз
Hi SeVeNaPcHuK. Hope you understand english.
If you click on the left button you’ll load the last save game, dated of 27/05/2015 at 2:16 (am I assume), which is pretty recent. I couldn’t translate the right buton text!
The right azbuka button says ‘Start new game’ I think …
Привет. Ошибся веткой, это английская
Такое бывает, клиент на гаджете сглючил и потерял прогресс. Лечится обычно перезапуском клиента. Если не поможет, придется загрузиться из облака.
For some reason I don’t get the Gems price reduction of 30% for quite long time now!!! Anyone one knows if was there any change in the 30% cost reduction policy in the game?
You mean gems and bio-fuel sales action in game store?
I get that offer rather often, but not 30% price off (I have 2-nd vip account now).
Yes, that’s what I meant! I bought gems like 2 or 3 times at the beginning when I started to play the game. The offers were random by that time. Like I usually got them maybe once a week or so. But It’s gone almost 2 months that I’m waiting for that and not even one came up since then. It’s been 2 months or so! Looks like they only wanted to gather people to play the game at the beginning and now, they took those offers out of the game now!
I’m also at vip level 3 and the discount I have is the same discount that is always active of 13%!
This is how my screen is for over 2 months!
When are we going to attack Xi? In evolution 2?