Mammoth Tank Walkthrough
The Mammoth Tank walktrough is one of the many Bosses Walktrough in the Evolution: Battle for Utopia game.
Today I had a fight with a Mammoth heavy tank and… I blew it to pieces!
General information about Mammoth Tank boss is Here.
For win you should use an acid or energy weapons.
After reload randomly shooting any kind of weapon. So wait, shoot while reloading and then hide behind a shield. If thrown grenades, catch them shoot farther.
Wait behind the shield when main cannon or machine guns shoots.
Mammoth Tank Walkthrough Video 1
Roxy Partner, Storm AR, Acid Pistol and Stormtrooper Armor
Mammoth Tank Walkthrough Video 2
Rico Partner, Storm AR, Acid Pistol and Prometheus Armor
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How do we know when is this tank going to launch that bomb (or whatever it is)? And I’m not talking about grenades…
Before shooting a cannon it steps back.
What about grenades? You must catch them ))
The tank steps back or steps forward??? I guess it’s forward… Can you confirm please??
Yep, forward. I just haven’t deal with it for a long time.
And today it appeared in 4-th level threat mission.
That was funny )
But we almost don’t have time to crouch since the launch is very very fast after stepping forward… I’m still stuck in Black Legion because of this boss.
Also, I’m facing an handicap. The grenades that are launched, appear almost out of the top of my smarthpone’s screen so, sometimes I fail blowing those grenades!!! Bahhh!
Well, it’s a boss. Nobody told it’ll be easy. Though you have a Prometheus armour, so you have much more chances to defeat it then a dude on the first video.
Yes, sure… It’s done… I little luck helped… And of course that the guy that made the video, is much more skilled than me! I’m just a mortal player!!!
Which means I make a lot of mistakes!
But in the second video, the player, maybe has more chances than me. He uses Rico, Acid grenades and G3 frag grenades.
I have no Acid grenades or Acid partners. Only have UFO pistol and MegaTrhone 2 AR fully upgraded but only used MegaThrone 2 for the 1st troops. Against the tank only used UFO pistol and G2 frags!
But maybe the biggest trick (secret) is the timing that you use medpacks. I haven’t figured out yet the best practice, so I say I had luck on this one! Only used U2 medpacks.
Glad for you. You’ll take a Spartan armour at the next location, so it’ll be easier to have a deal with Mammonth tanks in threat missions.