Chopper Shotgun

Chopper Shotgun

The Chopper is one of the many Shotguns in the Evolution: Battle for Utopia game.


The best weapon for close combat.

The Chopper Shotgun can deal 130/205Regular Damage (Min/Max) of damage, has 6/11Magazine (Min/Max) of magazine size and 0/25Crit. chance % (Min/Max) of critical chance.

Chopper Shotgun can be upgraded or dismantled at your Workshop.

Full upgrade cost for Chopper Shotgun is 4500Biofuel, 180Medals, 9000Steel and 01:57:00 of time.

Its maximum dismantle reward is 300Skill Points (for fully upgraded variant).

Next Shotgun: Puma

Chopper Shotgun Upgrades Summary Table

Level Damage Damage Upgrade Cost (Time) Magazine Magazine Upgrade Cost (Time) Critical Critical Upgrade Cost (Time)
Base 130 – n/a – 6 – n/a – 0 – n/a –
1 145 175Biofuel, 7Medals, 350Steel (00:01:00) 7 125Biofuel, 5Medals, 250Steel (00:01:00) 5 150Biofuel, 6Medals, 300Steel (00:01:00)
2 160 250Biofuel, 10Medals, 500Steel (00:04:00) 8 200Biofuel, 8Medals, 400Steel (00:04:00) 10 225Biofuel, 9Medals, 450Steel (00:04:00)
3 175 325Biofuel, 13Medals, 650Steel (00:08:00) 9 275Biofuel, 11Medals, 550Steel (00:08:00) 15 300Biofuel, 12Medals, 600Steel (00:08:00)
4 190 400Biofuel, 16Medals, 800Steel (00:11:00) 10 350Biofuel, 14Medals, 700Steel (00:11:00) 20 375Biofuel, 15Medals, 750Steel (00:11:00)
5 205 475Biofuel, 19Medals, 950Steel (00:15:00) 11 425Biofuel, 17Medals, 850Steel (00:15:00) 25 450Biofuel, 18Medals, 900Steel (00:15:00)
Total: 1625Biofuel, 65Medals, 3250Steel (00:39:00) Total: 1375Biofuel, 55Medals, 2750Steel (00:39:00) Total: 1500Biofuel, 60Medals, 3000Steel (00:39:00)


Fully Upgraded Chopper Shotgun

Fully Upgraded Chopper Shotgun

Chopper Shotgun Concept Art

Chopper Shotgun Concept Art


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5 Responses to Chopper Shotgun

  1. BUDDY ( Private Private Player's Rank 1 )

    where to find?

  2. Noob101 ( Sergeant Sergeant Player's Rank 34 )

    The only reason i’m considering this weapon is because my Shotshells are FULL at 50. I’m afraid if i stumble on more shells through crates or other, they’ll be wasted. Happened once already with the crate near Jaafar.

    The build cost is 1500 Biofuel and 500 Steel
    Should i get this first, or the other costly but somewhat little value, Jaafar ?

    Jaafar costs 1500 Biofuel too. He’s been sitting in his, though now beautifully terraformed, cage since forever ago. Feels kinda bad for him, but the merchant guy doesn’t worth his asking price.

    I’m at Lv13, just unlocked the Cargo Ship location and both Frisky and the Bulldog Pistol are right nearby as i found out thanks to this site.

    PS: I have decided to skip the Vulcan MG long before. Still waiting for the huge bug boss makes his 2nd arrival at my base so i can try my luck on getting Acid Pistol.

    Right now i’m leaning towards the gun due to the emergency situation with its Ammunition.

    • Шепард ( General General Player's Rank 584 ) Moderator

      You could buy ammunition, it’s allowed to increase the capacity of your shotshells. When I was at 13 level, I bought all these things

    • MikeHawk ( Sergeant Sergeant Player's Rank 21 )

      I only made the shotgun because it was cheap and helped me get skill points from specail ops

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