Elysium Cargo Ship Story
The story of Elysium Cargo Ship location is part of a larger Story Line in the Evolution: Battle for Utopia game.
General information about the Elysium Cargo Ship location is Here, and walkthrough guide is Here.
We are close to the place where the Elysium washed ashore. Commander, stay alert. The bandits are ready for us.
Intruder alert! They are here!
Eliminate these dogs! The cargo must not fall into their hands. If you screw up, it won’t be me you’ll have to answer to, but Kingpin himself! You’ll be sorry you were ever born!
Looks like this bandit means you no harm. I think he wants to talk to you.

Wait! Hold your fire! There’ll be time for that later. Let’s have a chat.
I’ve heard about you. You’ve raised quite a fuss around here. But here’s the thing. In the east, you won’t get very far – even with all your science whatchamacallits. So, long story short – you need a guide, right?
Nothing about you exactly inspires my trust.
Come on! I know the place; you’ll never make it without me! And then again, since you’re still alive, you must be not too bad yourself. You seem like a no-nonsense kinda guy. Just the right kind of boss for me.
Tell me, first, how you came to be here.
Yeah, somehow I had a feeling you’d be curious… Okay then. Here’s how it was…
Back in the day – not so long ago – I used to run things around here. Those nitwits you keep mopping the floor with, were once my crew.
But everything flows, as they say, everything changes. The boss – they call him Kingpin – sent me packing and put one real piece of work in my place! That one, she’s a real first class b – – !
What, he sent a girl to do your job? Looks like you’re not too much of a big shot, after all…
A “girl”? Ha! The only womanly thing about her is her rack! She’s the kind of creature that’s worse than any beast!
She’s of Viper stock. You know Vipers? You’re lucky you don’t… If you take me on, I’ll tell you a word or two about them.
Well now, let’s cut to the chase, chief. I’m all by myself here with spiders creeping up on me. And I’m not too keen on kicking the bucket just yet. So, am I on board or what?
Hmmm. Why is it me you’re after? Aren’t there enough gangs around here? Ask them, they’ll probably take you on.
The one with the power is more fun to be with. Right now that’s you. I saw how you dealt with the Red-faced!
Of course, they’re rather weak in the head, but they sure do know how to fight! After that, I had some respect for you.
I like your attitude. You mean business. The only good thing your gang’s short of is me. Let me join and let’s rock. Whaddaya say, boss?
Suppose I give you a trial period… What do you want for your services?
I’ll take biofuel, what else is there? Don`t’ sweat it, I won’t rip you off – pals get discounts!
Dialog with Frisky

Who is kingspin?
Kingpin… Mug ugly as hell and equally sweet personality of a true blue scumbag.
He’s the kind to bite your head off, chew it up and spit it out, though he looks like a stupid bag of fat.
But under that fat he’s got muscles of steel. Once I saw him, dead drunk, rip a car tire apart like an old rag.
You won’t believe it, but back on Earth Kingpin was a big shot. Gangster-turned-businessman kind of one.
And he ended up here by investing heavily in some kind of computer system. Even its name is something stupid…Domino, is it?
Or Dominion?
It just so happened that right when Kingpin landed here – like, to check how his money’s been doing – that’s when the whole mess began.
But Kingpin didn’t as much as blink and in no time put a gang together – out of those who managed to stay alive… Now he controls the entire west coast out to the isthmus.
So where do I find Kingpin?
He hangs out on the personal transporter he used to fly here. Or on what’s left of it after the tsunami.
Tell me of the Vipers
The Vipers are hardcore. They were Kingpin’s minders before all this rampage, at the time when he was still one of the fat cats.
And now they are his loyal guard dogs. Beats me how he keeps them in check, though. Never thought you could do the trick with the rabid ones…
They fight like there’s no tomorrow. Never seen anything like that in my life. Except, maybe, in flicks.
But don’t you mistake them for some muscle-for-brain wannabes. They are elite. First-class military training, armed to the gills.
They are Kingpin’s private reserve. Meant for special occasions. Like doing a hit or making a collection.
…Or replacing a certain ringleader who hasn’t lived up to expectations.
Hey, mine was a whole nother story! Just so you know, I was one helluva leader. If I weren’t I’d be pushing daisies right now instead of flapping gums with you here. Kingpin is not about forgiving mistakes.
Nah, he kicked me out for some other reason…This Viper of his is just a part of some bigger game plan.
I bet my left sock it has something to do with the Black Legion. To Kingpin the Legion is like a red rag to a bull.
The fatty will do whatever it takes to get back at them!
Tell me of the Black Legion
If you thought that the Vipers were the biggest psychos out here, I have to disappoint you. The Black Legion makes them look like a kitty next to a mountain lion.
Those guys are downright mental. General Kurbatov is the one in command.
Kingpin has an old score to settle with Kurbatov… They were at each other’s throats like a couple of dogs even before the Black Legion gig. It went down like this…
You see, it was Kurbatov who started all the commotion which led to the big boom in Green City and made all hell break loose. In other words, he set Kingpin up big time.
Not only was all the dough pumped into the “Dominion” thingamajig gone – which was bad enough – but on top of that we got stuck on this blasted planet. All thanks to that dirtbag Kurbatov!
Now here’s where Kingpin and I see eye to eye: it’s long past time someone out Kurbatov against the wall.
He’s of that special breed… He wants not just some plain vanilla power. He wants to be a freaking overlord. Moving armies, waging wars. That’s a general for you!
And here on Utopia he finally lost his last marble and came up with this Legion stuff…He’s dragging guys in by force. In the spirit of “you’re either with me or six feet under”.
He feeds them with promises of a brighter tomorrow. And since this is obviously not enough, there is also torture, and drills, and brainwashing…
In short, he’s getting cannon fodder ready for the next great war.
He took quite a few of Kingpin’s boys, too. Kingpin’s hated Kurvatov’s guts since then.
Me, I’d rather have Kingpin. With him at least you know what it all is about: the moolah, the grub, the broads…While the Legion would have you fight machines with no idea what it is you’re sticking out your neck for.
Machines? What kind of machines?
I’ll be damned if I knew. All i have is bits and pieces…I’ve never been in the east. Beats the hell outta me what’s cookin’ out there. The only way there is across the isthmus and that’s where the Black Legion is.
None of the guys who set out to get there has ever come back.

I keep looking at this ship… It really was tossed ashore just like driftwood. The blast in Green City triggered a truly massive tsunami… It’s terrifying to think what those moments on deck were like…
Now I understand why everything built on Utopia before the cataclysm is now in ruins. Nothing could survive an event like that.
The bandits were attacked by the Queen!
She managed to tear apart both Sniper and Destroyer. Be very careful, Commander.

Here comes our troublemaker! Hmmm, you don’t look like one of the idiots from the Black Legion. They’re generally easy to identify.
I’m not from the Black Legion. I’ve come from Earth. The Red Plague has ended there, and the government is ready to bring back all refugees from Utopia.
But there is no communication between Earth and Utopia. There, all they know is that Green City was destroyed by Adam Cruise, and that the blast in the city caused a massive cataclysm that destroyed everything on the planet.
Earth dispatched an expedition to Utopia to bring back survivors, but the expedition ship disappeared without a trace.
Talking with you now is the commander of the second scouting expedition sent from Earth to find out what’s happening on Utopia, and to determine the fate of the first ship.
From Earth, you say? Let us assume. And is it standard practice for envoys from Earth to rummage through other people’s cargo ships and bunkers?
I can assure you, you won’t find any other “earthlings” in the hold of the ship. This cargo ship is ours. And if you still intend to climb aboard, consider yourself warned.
You succeeded once in encroaching on our property and involving yourself in a very nasty situation, making off with an item from the bunker that was important to Kingpin. You messed up his plans.
If you’re really from Earth, don’t butt in. This isn’t your war. Go back to your ship and beat it back to your own planet while you still have the chance.
Otherwise, very soon it will be too late, and you’ll end up with a well-placed hole in your head!
I’d love to, but my ship was hit by some incredibly powerful weapon. Someone opened fire on us from this planet. I suspect the same thing happened to the first expedition.
I have to deal with the owner of the guns that brought us down, so that ships can safely land on Utopia.
To do that, I need something that is stored in the hold of this ship. Let me through, and nobody gets hurt.
You’ll get nothing. I’ve got clear instructions in this regard.
You leave me no other choice. The fate of two planets is at stake. I cannot back down.
Commander, I found a curious document on the Viper – a report on the work done last week.
It seems that before the Elysium appeared on the scene, Viper and her entire gang were guarding a Magmatite deposit.
Hm, interesting… Magmatite is a very valuable resource!
If we have another source of it, we will seriously accelerate the development of our base.
Can you tell from the report where the deposit is located?
There’s no precise data. Apparently they’re keeping it all under wraps. But we have the approximate coordinates. I’ll map them out right now.

I have obtained data on the study and practice of Psi power. With this information, we can repeat the Kronos experiment to develop human Psi abilities.
Commander, the serum that will awaken your psionic abilities has been created. If you’re ready, I’ll inject it.
That’s it. It will be best if you practice using your Psi power in combat while I finish researching Phoenix.
I have finished researching Phoenix and provided Anderson with all the necessary diagrams.
How is your psionic power? Do you feel omnipotent yet? I’m joking. I hope that you can operate this weapon once we build it.
You can open the champagne, Commander! Our fiery bird is ready to launch!
I admit that this is the first time I have compiled such a powerful weapon that operates on biomechanical protocols!
I hope you can handle it. I’ve tried, but so far I only managed to get a headache.
Tell me what this thing can do, Anderson.
Phoenix is a weapons system that launches intercontinental ballistic missiles equipped with vacuum warheads.
The missiles are operated and guided by mental power, which makes it possible to strike within a meter of the target! The main thing is that the target has to be within visible range.
Boy, it must surely pack a punch! Gotta love this baby! And where will we test it?
On the coast, not far from here, I found one of the oldest cities in Utopia. It was destroyed and abandoned.
But the automatic defense turrets are still activated there. We can test Phoenix on them.
Great test site. Lead the way, Schroeder.
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Once I unlocked the final hack box after defeating the Viper boss, I followed the dialogue with the various team members and.. One passage was unclear. I should test the Psi power in combat, from what I recall, in order to help the research on Psi tech progress… It’s unclear what that means. Any insight? All times I entered combat so far I tried using the Psi strike… But I cannot see any advance in research, I cannot see any advantage in using Psi strike. I must be missing something obvious…
did you try last hitting the enemie with psi strike or use it just ´to lower their hp
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