Iron Mine Story
The story of Iron Mine location is part of a larger Story Line in the Evolution: Battle for Utopia game.
General information about the Iron Mine location is Here, and walkthrough guide is Here.
My sensors have picked up large deposits of iron ore somewhere in this sector.
I need to be in very close proximity to the mine to zero in on the exact location. We have to thoroughly explore the area.

Hey fellas! Some guy showed up at the reservoir. Military type, with a dog tagging along. Do I smell a party coming up?
Waste him! Bring his gear and supplies. The dog, too. Looks like we’ll be roasting some meat today!
Huh… This dog of his is made of iron… Some kind of robot…
Dang, I’m so hungry I could eat a horse… Okay then, let’s fry his master instead! Come on now, move it! Go get him! As they say on Earth, he who does not work shall not eat.
I see that you’re the boss. Call off your people. We are here to restore peace and order, we do not want blood.
No, you idiot! We don’t need peace and we don’t need any order, either! Go get them, brothers!
Commander, don’t waste your time. These scumbags live by looting and violence. They would gain nothing by cooperating with us.
I think you’re right, Margaret. In that case I’ll just clear them from our path. Fido, attack!
Boss! The guys screwed up… This dog lover is heading right for the reservoir! What’s he, like, bulletproof or something?!
I’m up to here with all the snafu! Take him out already! Whoever brings me his head gets all his stuff.

It’s not yet too late to end this meaningless conflict! We came to this planet to help you and we came in peace.
Conflict? There ain’t no conflict! It’s just me taking your stuff, your guns and your babes. As for your mutt, it goes straight to the smelters! No one’s ever walked away from the Red-faced!
We’ve located an iron ore deposit! It’s right under our feet! I’ve already marked the place with the mine hologram.
Great work, Elizabeth. We will begin building the mine as soon as we clear the area of the robber gangs.
It looks like this place was the scene of a hot battle between the Queen and the bandits not so long ago. The spider took down three of them before they overpowered her.
What, all the boys are down?! Just who the hell do you think you are? Say your prayers, I`m gonna straighten you out myself! The Red-faced always settle their scores.
The sector has been cleared of enemies and is completely secure, Commander.
Anderson, can we initiate construction of the iron mine?

Yes, sir. But first we must terraform the sector.
It’s worth spending a few years in suspended animation to see this! This isn’t the first terraforming I’ve witnessed, but I still can’t tear my eyes away!
Yes, it’s something to see… Anderson, unlike Margaret, I’ve never seen terraforming before, and don’t understand what that iron beetle you released is.
It’s a mobile terraformer. It’s used for terraforming remote and hard to access sites.
All that we need to do is charge it with biofuel. The farther the quadrant undergoing terraforming is from the base, the greater the amount of biofuel needed for the process.
The nature around here is amazing… It’s a shame to shatter the harmony by building a mine. By the way, can we start excavating iron ore now?
Yes sir, Commander! Everything is ready for the construction of the iron mine. We will begin as soon as you give the green light.
The mine has begun production, Commander. For now the rate of iron production is slow, but if you want, we will upgrade it and increase capacity.
Excellent! Now that we have a source of iron, we can continue work on the base.

Commander, I finished compiling the technical data necessary for the construction of a class 4 aerodrome on our base.
This is a federal level aerodrome, capable of handling vertical take-off aircraft, such as the Dragon and even the Titan models.
Just what we need! Schroeder just reported suspicious activity on the islands west of the base.
On a ship like that, we’ll be able to get there quickly if we have to.
Commander, a helicopter is waiting for you on the helipad!
Right now we have a light reconnaissance helicopter, the Dragonfly. If need be, I will construct a vehicle with some more leg room.
Good job! Now we need to complete the construction of the base to gain a definitive foothold in the area.
There’s a problem, Commander…
Our ship was destroyed, and with it we lost technological data vital to the construction project.
Any idea about how we can obtain the missing technology? Anyone?
I have a suggestion, Commander.
I’ve been studying the map of Utopia made before the cataclysm, and discovered that there is a secret Kronos corporation bunker not far from here.
Its walls are able to withstand even a nuclear blast. It must have survived the disaster.
If we can get to the bunker, we can use the Kronos databases.
Kronos was one of the largest and most prominent high-tech companies on Earth. Its servers are probably loaded with useful information. I think we need to pay a visit to the bunker.
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