Mechanarium Story
The story of Mechanarium location is part of a larger Story Line in the Evolution: Battle for Utopia game.
General information about the Mechanarium location is Here, and walkthrough guide is Here.
That’s the place, Commander. The entrance to Mechanarium is right ahead.
Halt! Not one step closer! You need a password to enter the grounds. I hope you know it, because I have orders to shoot anyone who doesn’t.
The password is: “Surrender!”
Very amusing. Guys, we have an intruder! Let’s get him!

Why, ain’t you a gutsy little thing! Do you know what this place is? People are getting killed just for mentioning it in a conversation! Kingpin himself is in control of here. He will turn you to dust!
Don’t make such a fuss about it. I’ll be quick. I only need to pick up a certain thing and to talk with your engineers.
What?! Are you insane?! I’ve had enough. Say your prayers, it’s time to die!
Judging by the number of guards, there is an object of significant importance ahead. It can be something valuable, Commander.
The “Dragon” shotgun prototype was nowhere around. Most probably, it had been already shipped out to Kingpin…
However, we obtained a thorough description of the technology so we can recreate the prototype.
Is this shotgun indeed that unique?
Yes, the design is quite original and even innovative. It makes the bullet combust on the impact with the target.
I couldn’t keep myself from getting a sneak peek at the blueprints. I don’t think that such a gun could’ve been greenlighted on Earth. Not in our time of humanitarian values and human rights.
It’s a deadly and extremely effective weapon. When hit, target gets burned alive and has about zero chance of survival.

Why are you here, Earthling?
You are as much an Earthling as I am. You were born on Earth too. And if it weren’t for the Red Plague, you would’ve been living there still.
I had come here long before the Red Plague broke out…
Anyway, that was another life. The past doesn’t matter now. Too many things have changed. You wouldn’t understand.
Understand what? You making guns for Kingpin? Providing arms to his thugs?
You were once creating technologies that worked for the good of the people here, on Utopia, isn’t that true? And look what you’ve turned into…
Technologies for the good of the people? Are there any limits to your naivety?. . I confess I am not head over heels about what I do now…
But only because all these shotguns, grenades and other trifles that I’m stuck designing in this hellhole couldn’t possibly compare to the projects I used to work on before!
Are you saying you worked for the military even before the catastrophe?!
I’ve already said what I wanted to say. Now it’s your turn. I’ll repeat the question. Why are you here, Earthling?
I need technologies. The best you can offer.
What for?

There already were two expeditions from Earth, but someone shot both ships down. There will be a third. It is the key to our safe escape. Yours too!
Before the third expedition arrives, we have to find and neutralize the people who have at their disposal a very powerful weapon to bring down our ships. More powerful than any weapon on Earth.
Our opponent is very strong. We have to take all necessary precautions before facing him. There will be no second chance.
That’s why we need the best weapons we can get.
We already have “Phoenix”, but that’s not enough for victory. You’ve created a great shotgun. I’m sure you have other pieces of technology that may come in handy for us.
Look here, Earthling…
You are just an adventurer. You were lucky to get “Phoenix”. You don’t even know how lucky you were. It is only by luck that you are still alive.
But your luck ends today. I can’t let your naivety and stupidity deliver our technologies right into the hands of the Black Legion.
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