Crystallite Deposit Location
The Crystallite Deposite is one of the many Story-line locations in the Evolution: Battle for Utopia game.
Crystallite Deposit is a secondary story-line location, but you can build here your Crystallite Mine
Previous story-line location: Black Legion Base
Unlock requirement: Win 5 battles with Partner’s Damage > 7000 or 250 (each successful battle reduces the price by 50
Difficulty: 5/7
Total enemies: 22
Boss: Bombers’ Queen
Story of this location: Here
Walkthrough of this location: Here
Rewards: Chosen By Xi Armor, Acid Shotgun, Crystallite Mine, 52
Commander’s Log: Chapters 38-39
Terraforming price: 2 300
Side story tasks on location
- Find a Crystallite deposit
- Build a Crystallite Mine
Attention! The Crystallite Mine technology is available in the Tactics and Strategy section of the Research Center
Next story-line location: Defense Line
Crystallite Deposit Location on the Globe
Crystallite Deposit Location Unlock Requirement
Initial View of Crystallite Deposit Location
Crystallite Deposit Location View After Terraforming
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Hi, can I please get a step by step guide as to how to access the tactics & strategy section of the research centre?
If you go to the research centre, at the top will be a button that says ‘tactics and strategy’. click that and you’re there… if you are currently researching something, you can go to the operations (the yellow markers on the map), and then click ‘tactics and strategy’ at the top right