UFO Crash Location
The UFO Crash is one of the many Story-line locations in the Evolution: Battle for Utopia game.
UFO Crash is a secondary story-line location.
Previous story-line location: Black Legion Checkpoint
Unlock requirement: Win 5 battles with damage/sec > 450 or 250 (each successful battle reduces the price by 50
Difficulty: 4/7
Total enemies: 25
Boss: Hand of Xi (Brother Thorius)
Story of this location: Here
Walkthrough of this location: Here
Rewards: UFO Pistol, Alligator Assault Rifle, 49
Commander’s Log: Chapter 35
Terraforming price: 6 000
Side story tasks on location
- Find the site of the UFO crash
- Destroy the Hand and all the Xi followers near the UFO
Attention! The Hand has got the Immortality Ability. To destroy it, finish him off with a Psi Strike
Next story-line location: Black Legion Base
UFO Crash Location on the Globe
UFO Crash Location Unlock Requirement
The First (Old) Version Initial View of the UFO Crash Location
Initial View of UFO Crash Location
UFO Crash Location View After Terraforming
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How can you get 450 DPS? I am using Cobra pistol, just wanted to skip pegasus.
easy..use ar or mg…
Hello. Have same question as John up. How can i get 450 dps? I have full Pegasus(187dmg) and Storm AR(148/161 dmg). Have not researched Juggernaut MG.. Which weapon can do this dps limit? Which do you used? Ty for answers.
Easiest way is to fight in Terror 1 or 2 (monsters only, not humans), using AR/MG.
I’ts easy. Fight Terror1 animal mobs (spiders preferable).
The battle should looks like:
– switch to attack mode,
– throw grenade in the middle,
– switch to AR, shoot and switch to taunting enemies if any.
Even with unmodified storm AR and frag grenade 1 you can do between 520 and 800 Dps.
I am having trouble killing enemies I have a really high level roxy and I am using 5-6 medkits and grenades on every enemy I am using the Storm rifle thingy and I just want to know how Can I reach the UFO since I am in need of the UFO pistol
You can, but that’s gonna be complicated
If you have any tips it will mean the world to me since I haven’t even gone past a single enemy and I just made dragon shotgun and the armor that comes before the spartan armor and I want to just get the UFO pistol cuz acid pistol is literally so bad against regular enemies
Here is an image of what I got
Which way are you using to walk through the game?
For example you are going to investigate every location, buy every weapon, create all technologies. This way is much more easier than other one because you are strong and have many resoures for any cases. Or maybe you want to pass the game in the shortest way. This way is tough one.
Idk what you mean by that but uhhh let’s just say I only played this for a week and got to this point but literally every spider has around 1k or 2k hp that’s more then a black legion infantry
A week? That’s kinda fast walkthrough.
Well I have played this before like 3 times and I either loose my data due to my phone breaking and me not saving a cloud orrrr I just get to a point where my pistol is a nerf gun to the weakest enemy but I never reached dominion I only reached kurbatov once but I usually end up forgetting that the game is installed since I play alot more games but still my goal is to reach dominion or beat the final boss but I doubt that it will happen any time soon if I keep using acid pistol I havent spend a penny in this game but still manage to get the bonus gear and even some weapons that is a special offers but since I reached a high level some crap guns are over priced that require loads of gems which for me would mean like 60 hours of grinding turrets and stuff and I am gunna be completely honest the UFO pistol isn’t even that expensive
God this feels so wrong and bad but I made the dragon shotgun and killed 1 enemy in the UFO place and I used 30 shotgun shells idk but it feels wrong but like there was 18 spiders I can’t fend all of them off using my nerf gun and plus they are not weak like at all they got 3000 HP
Bruh, look at this picture, dude) I’ve got an UFO pistol at 30 lvl. I haven’t spend a rouble too like you:) It was REALLY complicated and tough battles with cobra. I didn’t use Phoenix missiles anywhere except for beating Dominators. And! I’ve finished the game and beat the final boss with Stormbreaker! There is a screenshot my battle with Archuman at the “Our records” page on russian version of the site. So, never say never and keep it up, commander)
Well it looks like I made the right call to make Pegasus since I think it’s the right pistol to get to UFO there goes my 13000 biofuel
So thank you so much
If you wanna get a Pegasus you”ll grab more experience points and that’s not good if you like speedrun through the game