Terraforming Process

The process of terraforming is one of the essential to your infostructure development in the Evolution: Battle for Utopia game.

Terraforming Process

Once you have cleared any of Story-line Location from enemies, you can terraform it with Terraformator.

Terraformator will help you make the captured territories flourish.


Terraformator 1

Terraformator 2

During the process of Terraformation all pollution will transformed in to wild vegetation.

An example of the gradual terrarormation of the Kingpins Hideout location:
An example of the gradual terrarormation of the Kingpins Hideout location
The initial view of the any location is significantly different from the terraformed one:

Location View Before Terrarormation
Location View After Terrarormation

You can build any Buildings in location only after finishing of their terraformation process.

Important Locations to terraform first:

The more polluted area, the more resources required for its terraformation.

The Process of Terraforming Video


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4 Responses to Terraforming

  1. Helder ( Private Private Player's Rank 1 )

    Yes but how do you terraform or build the terraformator? The game doesnt tell you, there is no goddamn option and Im stuck at this part of the game. And tell it in ENGRISH please, motherfuckers.

  2. Pushe ( Corporal Corporal Player's Rank 11 )

    go on the field you want to terraform and check above the health bar. You should have a button “Start”

  3. Przemi ( Private Private Player's Rank 1 )

    “Terraformator will help you make the captured territories flourish”. Ok, but what profits will it give me if I spend valuable resources on it, and there is no possibility to build a mine there? Is the chance of anomalies appearing higher?

    • captaindomi ( Sergeant Sergeant Player's Rank 26 )

      anomalies only appear in terraformed regions, there is a 0% chance to get anomalies in an unterraformed sector.

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