Dominion Army

The Dominion Army members are few of the many Enemies in the Evolution: Battle for Utopia game.

Dominion Army

You can find and research the vulnerabilities of the Dominion Army members at your Reconnaissance Center.




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13 Responses to Dominion Army

  1. psb ( Sublieutenant Sublieutenant Player's Rank 104 )

    i always thought spidrs always come towards you when they r heavily injured… and its rue for the normal spiders almost all the time… then why does the stupid arachnid dominator run towards me in full health… its impossible to kill it wen it does dat… i cant undrstand the logic behind its rushing towards me…

    • mors ( Private Private Player's Rank 4 )

      I used the acid shotgun, now the dominion shotgun when the arachnids come closer. Works quite well. And they do taunt frequently, so that also makes it easy. Terror 4 missions with 7 arachnids, I succeed perhaps 80% of times using just one U2 med pack and less that 10 shotgun shells, which translates to a good profit.

  2. psb ( Sublieutenant Sublieutenant Player's Rank 104 )

    also its virtually impossible to kill the c-900 with an assault rifle, especially in later levels… except dominion ar… it regenerates at an amazing rate…

  3. HelloShitty ( Lieutenant Colonel Lieutenant Colonel Player's Rank 294 )

    That’s called AI. That’s why there are boring games… It’s a pseudo-random situation. But usually they come sooner when they are injuried, indeed. But some times they come towards us with no damage at all.
    C-900 are supposed to be hard to kill. But i can deal with him only with Dominion pistol! I can make a video if you like (I’n with Dominion armour).

    • psb ( Sublieutenant Sublieutenant Player's Rank 104 )

      i would like to see the video… but i think i can also manage c900 as long as i have health packs… the real challenge is to use no healthpacks or use minimum… also, personally, i think cyclones are easier than arachnids (atleast until beacon)… with correct timing… u can dodge the acid spits of normal spiders, but not in arachnids. as they throw multiple spits…

      • HelloShitty ( Lieutenant Colonel Lieutenant Colonel Player's Rank 294 )

        I already have a video but I need to edit it and I’m having some issues with my editing video application. I usually use like 3 or 4 U1 medpacks and maybe 3 G1 grenades if I have the time. But sometimes I loose… I don’t win all the times. Level 3 and 4 missions are now much harder than before Dominion territory!

  4. psb ( Sublieutenant Sublieutenant Player's Rank 104 )

    well, after i had my acid canon and mg kit i didnt bother to research any other dominion guns after it, as acid canon is devastating… terror missions enemies are easier than the story enemies( arachnids) … why??
    because they have more health…and in the storyline they get near you much more no. of times than in terror missions… and taunting in storyline enemies is rarer than terror missions…

    p.s. the arachnid is the dominator enemy which you will face most in the game… so recon centre is a massive help here…

  5. psb ( Sublieutenant Sublieutenant Player's Rank 104 )

    also, i feel that any terror mission is possible provided you use medpacks… the challenge is to do it without medpacks or grenades… and frankly i say i had done all terror 4 without medpacks or grenades or mg … except the tyrant… i didnt fought with it… waste of resources… amd terror 3 with c900 is much much harder than terror 4… i almost cudnt beat it without medpacks…

  6. that meaxican dood ( Private First Class Private First Class Player's Rank 7 )

    wait where is the enemy that looks like hedgemon on this i only see the boss himself

  7. psb ( Sublieutenant Sublieutenant Player's Rank 104 )

    the e5000 is the same looking as hegemon… no changes are there except the health… hegemon has 120000 health while e5000 has 75996 health…

    • that meaxican dood ( Private First Class Private First Class Player's Rank 7 )

      then could someone make a page dedicated to E5000 and one for hegemon

  8. HelloShitty ( Lieutenant Colonel Lieutenant Colonel Player's Rank 294 )

    E-5000 is Hegemon-04 that Dominion has revived after we kill it (Hegemon-04) in the Incubator location. I mean, after we defeat the Hegemon-04 boss in Incoubator location, Dominion ressurects it, though he can’t even speak. If you read the dialogs that some enemies starts with you you can confirm this! I remember to read some dialog where it’s said that Dominion gives life back to Hegemon-04 again, but the process is not perfect and Hegemon-04, now called E-5000, can’t even speak a word. He just makes a few sounds!

    Check the speech here:

  9. psb ( Sublieutenant Sublieutenant Player's Rank 104 )

    yep… the dominion has resurrected the hegemon, but as it had less time, it didnt bother to resurrect it fully and turned it into a mere synthetic…
    i had the same request about making a page for e5000 , but then i saw that there is no requirement for this… after all, they are the same…

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