Story-line Locations
The Story-line Locations are few of the many components of the game Environment in the Evolution: Battle for Utopia.
Primary |
Secondary |
1. Home Base![]() |
Game Story |
2. Iron Mine![]() |
3. Bunker![]() |
4. Psionic Base![]() |
4-2. Outpost![]() |
5. Elysium Cargo Ship![]() |
5-2. Hub![]() |
6. Coast![]() |
7. MOROSE Crash Site![]() |
7-2. Relic![]() |
7-3. Swamps![]() |
8. Citadel![]() |
8-2. Mechanarium![]() |
9. Kingpin’s Hideout![]() |
10. Black Legion Checkpoint![]() |
10-2. UFO Crash![]() |
11. Black Legion Base![]() |
11-2. Crystallite Deposit![]() |
11-3. Z.E.V.S.![]() |
12. Defense Line![]() |
13. Gate![]() |
14. Beacon![]() |
14-2. Excavations![]() |
15. Incubator![]() |
16. Core![]() |
17. Annihilator![]() |
18. Exodus![]() |
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I’m not sure if this means anything, but all three of the directly affected Xi areas (Swamps,Crystallite Deposit, and Excavations) are in a straight line across the continent. If you run the line further, it either points to the large peninsula under the Annihilator or the largest island above the Home Base. Like I said, I’m not sure if this means anything but these may be future sectors directly related to Xi.
Here is the other one.
OMG so true!!
does anyone finished this game to the end coz I cant finish this game coz I cant find the MEETING point?? help please …….
I can’t help here! I’ only at Incubator! But maybe you should consider to clear all enemies (if you left any behind). Maybe this is a requirement to keep going in the game! Or you can message the official Facebook page of the game. I’m pretty sure they will reply and will help you!
clear all enemis means what?you mean the bosses?? without fighiting bettles will the game be allowed me to proceed to next missions?? .thanx for the quick respons people..
The Annihilator is the last game location for now.
The information from the developers:
“However, the events of “evolution” is just beginning. In development is another update – “Exodus” – which will be disclosed some details of the plot. But in 2016, all players will be able to continue the adventure in “Evolution 2″, and the gains made in the first part, remain.”
Yes, but the question is that dilshan is stating that he couldn’t find Core Location and he already finished Annihilator! So, 2 thing might have happened; or he missed the location’s name and went through Core without have noticed it, or some major bug has been revealed which I doubt!
The Core location was added in the last update (3.2.x). I think he just missed update and still playing 3.1.x version.
did you comeacross the CORE stage??according to the bellow artical this core stage is between the Incubator and the Annihilator which I allready compleated but without the CORE.Why is that I did not face this mission and how did I go bypassing this core to the Annihilator ??
Quite weird… If a wireless connection is available, the game should update automatically. My application version, in “App info” menu says 3.2.3!
But what about if the game updates now after he has finished Annihilator Location? What would/will happen?
I’m playing on android. I can switch off the automatic update.
As soon as I know, people that ended the game got the Core location too.
Yes, I’m on Android too. But why would someone intentionally disable the automatic updates?
im on android too.”people that ended the game” how did they finished the game? please tell me how did they finished this “Current objectives-[STORY] Reach the Meeting Point and meet the coming Earth expedition” ??? Didnt they comeacross this mission???
this is the exact problem that I’m facing right now “Current objectives-[STORY] Reach the Meeting Point and meet the coming Earth expedition”. Im at 72 stage. where is this meeting point????
You (and others
) have to wait till the “Exodus” game update comes out!
This will be the end of story
When is the Exodus update? I can’t wait!
EXODIZ upadate…… we play games hard and there are no patients….
Just wait til next year for exodus update..
Hey, I’m at Black legion Checkpoint. Can anybody tell me exactly how to get the other secondary locations? Like witch hack or enemy I need to find. Nowhere has the information or it’s not clear. I’m trying to ninja by to the Xi armor, I know all the requirements for it, just not the location of: Crystallite Deposit
The armor is very beast for offline players like myself! Any other locations would be helpful too.
you know you can only produce it when you have researched the spartan armor (wich is in the black legion base)